Keywords: Attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese planes view.jpg Photograph taken from a Japanese plane during the torpedo attack on ships moored on both sides of Ford Island shortly after the beginning of the Pearl Harbor attack View looks about east with the supply depot submarine base and fuel tank farm in the right center distance A torpedo has just hit USS West Virginia on the far side of Ford Island center Other battleships moored nearby are from left Nevada Arizona Tennessee inboard of West Virginia Oklahoma torpedoed and listing alongside Maryland and California <br> On the near side of Ford Island to the left are light cruisers Detroit and Raleigh target and training ship Utah and seaplane tender Tangier Raleigh and Utah have been torpedoed and Utah is listing sharply to port <br> Japanese planes are visible in the right center over Ford Island and over the Navy Yard at right U S Navy planes on the seaplane ramp are on fire <br> Japanese writing in the lower right states that the photograph was reproduced by authorization of the Navy Ministry 1941年12� �7日,珍珠港遇袭� � 时� �的� �景� �这张照片是从日� �攻击� �上拍摄的� �<br> 照片中的小岛为福特岛,� 处(� �近弹� 点附近)� 泊的是美军的战列舰编队:从前(图右)� 后,由外(上方)至内� 次是加利福尼亚号� �尼奥修号(� 对画� �� �,加油船)� �俄克拉何马号� �马里兰号� �西弗吉尼亚号� �田纳西号� �维斯塔号(维修船)亚利桑那号和内华达号,近处� 泊的是� �吉尔号(水上飞� �船)� �犹他号(� �舰)� �拉雷号和底特律号(轻巡洋舰)� � Foto scattata da un aereo giapponese pochi minuti dopo l'inizio dell'attacco A destra verso est è visibile il deposito di alimentazione la base sottomarina e più lontano il deposito di carburante Un siluro ha appena colpito la West Virginia al di là di Ford Island Altre navi da guerra si trovano ormeggiate nelle vicinanze da sinistra la Nevada l'Arizona la Tennessee all'interno rispetto alla West Virginia la Oklahoma a fianco della Maryland e la California Più vicino verso sinistra gli incrociatori Raleigh e Detroit entrambi silurati Official U S Navy photograph http //www history navy mil/our-collections/photography/wars-and-events/world-war-ii/pearl-harbor-raid/overall-views-of-the-pearl-harbor-attack/NH-50930 html NH 50930 1941-12-07 author PD-Japan-oldphoto Aerial photographs of Pearl Harbor Naval Air Station Ford Island during the Pearl Harbor attack ImageNote 1 426 147 25 20 740 527 2 Japanese Aichi D3A dive bomber ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 689 154 26 23 740 527 2 Japanese plane ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 688 81 18 15 740 527 2 Japanese plane ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 3794 1288 112 144 6404 4543 2 Japanese plane ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 6012 736 96 112 6404 4543 2 Japanese plane ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 3098 1216 472 624 6404 4543 2 Torpedo explosion ImageNoteEnd 6 |