Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (15829422734).jpg PKTKK HKNDhkSON CO NKW YORK - MlSCKI I ANEOl'S nULHS <br> 33 <br> KUVTMIIllNTIM <br> KRITFI I AKIA RIXIRVATA <br> ERYTHRONIUM <br> Cpppii TOI IC MnJcHtle tuboroim rooted plants nntives of Turkestan and llif <br> C'vl-i' lUtV«-'»3 HlnuiliiyiiK Hlii're tlii' v lire Kubjiftpil to wvcrf winters Tlie v <br> are aolile ornanit'iits in a larne tlower garden or on tlie lawn The Individual flow- <br> ers � as larjre as a silver half-dollar � are closely urran ed on stately spikes 1 to 10 <br> feet hiKh forniliij; a niairniliient column of bloom during Inne and July Eremuri <br> thrive in iilniosl any kind of soil hut pri'fer a moist deep rich sandy loam with free <br> run for tiieir larce tleshy roots which extend out several feet Give them a sunny <br> position sheltered from Kales; plant the tnliers In the fall while dormant and set <br> about H indies di'ep \ltlion rli they are consideivd haiily it will he safer In Northern <br> Stales to protect with 4 or i incliea of leaves stri nK manure or similar coverin ; to <br> prevent the yonnn Krowtli wiiich starts very early from helnn tipped from late <br> fre 'Zcs We offer only stronjr si \-year-old llowerin ; roots as Kremurl seldom Howcr <br> until tlial ai;e sVccuri tl i';t lyin\o\eiiihfr <br> E Hiiualaicus Snow-white flowers with yellow anthers; height to 8 feet Price <br> oo ca li hnyer pnyinjr e xpn-ssajie <br> a Sobustns I'each pink flowers very traKrant heiirht N to 10 ft I'rice j 0o <br> eiu-li l U\cr pn\ inu I'xpn'ssaue <br> Giant Dog's Tooth Violet <br> Beautiful lunts perfectly hardy <br> the foliage is usually iliarniiu ly varicf;ated ninl a mass of 1 or <br> liO plants is a pretty si;;lit even when not in tlower hut when the <br> Krareful tlowers are In hloom the elfe t is matcldess The plants <br> Inxuriate in rather inoist partially siuiily positions and do very <br> rdci'ly when ;rown In pots for winter hloonilni; <br> Orandiflortun \ very Inr e tlowerin c variety hearing from 6 <br> to IL' hri;;ht yellow Mowers on stem 1 li to IM inches IiIkIi <br> Oig mteum The most Horlferous of the species often beariiiB <br> IJ to It; Mowers of straw color with centre of orange; leaves <br> mottled dark hrown <br> Hendersonii iXew Larue flowers ol heliotrope or lilac color <br> with a purple centre surrounded h v a narrow yellow ring; one of <br> the finest <br> B aJrt wegii The easiest of all to grow Light vellow flowers on <br> separ iie stalks; nlumdnnt bloomer ; leaves mottled <br> Jdmsonii \ new variety aiul consldei Joneof the handsomest <br> The plants are thrifty frwly producing floweni of a rich dark <br> rose with an oranire-coloied centre; lea\e8 mottled dark brown <br> anrl look as If varnislied <br> KevolTitram Watsonii Kiill creamy white flower orange at <br> centre; leaves nntttlcd brown; one of the very best <br> Mixed Califomian Varieties <br> CpCCCI A One of the most popular and charming bulbs <br> ' ��xC L »» we offer for lot cultun- flowering lu the winter <br> and Mj»ring iti the conservatory or witidow garden or bulbs <br> Bliould be plante l In a 4-inch pot They force readily and can <br> be had in bloom by ChriKtmas if desliTd and by having a dozen <br> or more pots started in the cold franu- they can he brought In at <br> Intervals thep'by kc-epiiig up a continuous display of bloom <br> through the winter; tlie flowers are rodnced i to 8 on stems <br> about Inches high and are particnlaiiy u eful for cutting <br> remaining in good condition kept in water for t»vo we 'ks <br> Sefracta Alba The Mowers are pniewhlte with a yellow blotched <br> tlirout and arx' exquisitely fragrant See cuf l <br> Kxtra large bidbs 10 00 per 1 000 <br> firsf sizi' hnllis 7 O0 is-r 1 000 <br> l ichtlinll Major The nr-n- yellow Freesii This has charin- <br> lag large primrose yellow flowers marked with orance blotchen <br> and very fragrant l i 0 per 1 000 <br> \ slngtdar group of dwarf spring- <br> flowering plants liearing large pend- <br> ent l ell-sliaped Mowers; they are InvnliiMble for jiot culture and <br> excesHlingiy r retty wiu'U grown In largt liumps In the border in a <br> dry situation <br> Becorvata The most beautiful Fritlllnria In the world FlowerH <br> brilliant orange scarlet ; they are about J Inches long ami up to <br> nine flowers are borne on each of the stems the latter attaining <br> a height of about J fiH Largest bulbs <br> Meleagris Iiatlfolias i 77;e iniiinnnj hruinl-leDVfil liirn <br> ttowrn'il thnuru /tni fV/Mcer i Uell-shaped flowers of various <br> colors yellow while black purjde strl eil and splashed and <br> cherkenMl In tlie most curious way Mixed varieties <br> Attr«a \ lovel v new sihi les as rare as it Is beautiful lieuring <br> larg» golden yellow bell-shnptMl flowers which are cuiiously <br> checkered with blai'k brown spots <br> FRITILLARIA <br> FBICES <br> Delivered Free in V S <br> Each ' Doz <br> 100 1 <br> 10c <br> 1 00 <br> 1 <br> j <br> 7 00 <br> 5c <br> 50 <br> J 00 <br> 12c <br> 1 25 <br> fl OO <br> lOc <br> 1 00 <br> ti OO <br> 15c <br> 1 50 <br> 10 00 <br> 10c <br> 5c <br> 1 00 <br> 50 <br> G OO <br> 2 50 <br> U- <br> Uc <br> i-jb <br> 1 25 <br> 1 00 <br> 8c <br> 30 <br> 1 75 <br> 10c <br> 1 00 <br> 0 00 <br> 5c <br> 50 <br> 2 50 1 <br> 5c <br> 50 <br> 3 00 43899745 149965 78524 Page 33 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899745 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Erythronium NameConfirmed Erythronium EOLID 44484 NameBankID 2662563 NameFound Fritillaria NameConfirmed Fritillaria EOLID 17822 NameBankID 593086 NameFound Hiiualaicus NameFound Meleagris NameConfirmed Meleagris EOLID 18523 NameBankID 2474159 NameFound Stales Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899745 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899745 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Eremurus Freesia BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15829422734 2015-08-24 23 55 50 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Eremurus Freesia Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |