MAKE A MEME View Large Image Autumn bulbs catalogue (15831877393).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NKW YORK -MISCELLANEOUS BT'LBS <br> lltLLEUOltl <br> HEMEROCALLIS J ; <br> Very ornament iil <br> lilnntw linvini; clcuniit <br> foliuK 'I'i'l liauiiHoiMi flnwiTK tlii\v fi pf iif ...
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Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (15831877393).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NKW YORK -MISCELLANEOUS BT'LBS <br> lltLLEUOltl <br> HEMEROCALLIS J ; <br> Very ornament iil <br> lilnntw linvini; clcuniit <br> foliuK 'I'i'l liauiiHoiMi flnwiTK tlii\v fi pf iif t ho caslcHt oiiltui'i' In <br> any irilluary Ranlen snll ami form ii iniiralile cliimpH The <br> lluwei-H arc Hninewhat cylienu'inl Imt arc produced mieeensivel v <br> anil in j;reat abundance Height 2 to 3 feet See cut Ileiidy <br> III \o vein lilT I <br> Flava The old favorite Yellow Dny Lily flowers bright yel- <br> low delli-ately perdimcd <br> Atirantiaca Major The Giant-floweringr Day Iiily \ <br> new Henierocallis from lapan; a very vigorous-trowirig pianl <br> with liroad long foliage and immense liroad-petaled trumpet <br> liiy-llke tiowerH J inclies aiross of a deep orange 'oior and very <br> fragrant ; it llowers frwly during late summer and autumn <br> Middendorfii A very distinct and rare variety The plant <br> makes a dwarf compact liusli only about one ftxit high bearing <br> large lily-Uke flowers of liriglit yellow <br> Kwanso fl pi folia varie fata Magnificent double-liowering <br> variety witli large beautifully variegated foliage very ornament- <br> al even when not in bloom; flowers large and of reddish orange <br> See cut <br> 150 1 50 10 00 <br> i-iprjAnri/ A Are among our finest ardy early sprlng- <br> llC rr\ 1 IV'/A flowering bulbous plants of the easiest <br> culture thriving in any ordinary garden but particiiliirly <br> ailapted to wild semi-shaded situations The plants form tufts <br> about 1 Inches high aiul are comi letely smothered with UowerB <br> Seeriil l <br> H Angulosa Sky blue single flowers as large as a half dollar <br> H Alba Large jnire white llowei-s <br> H Ktibra Itosy red flowers <br> HOMERIA <br> 30e <br> 20c <br> or Bobartia Handsome early sumnier- <br> tldwering bulbs not quite h -irdy in nortliern <br> stales ; adnjited fi r ot culture bi Irames during tin' winter or or 1 <br> pliintiiignut in sjjring; they bear a profusion of showy flowers on i <br> stems 1 fool Idgh I <br> H Aurantiaca Deep salmon rose flowers <br> HYACINTHUS <br> Candicans CUnnt Surnnior Hyn- <br> rintln Luxuriant fre »-growing sum- <br> nu'r-llowcrlng plant spreading L' to feet throwing up great <br> tall spikes 4 to feet i i height each beiiring 'JO to 'iO large white <br> bell-shupcd tlowers; of easiest c\illure and splendid f jr groups <br> II pbinled In the centre of beds of scnrh't iladioiussuchas ISrench- <br> leyensls the effect is magidfuent Keep the bulbs dry and plant <br> out In spring Iteiiily in Xu lew her <br> I yi A C The Ixia Is a beautiful little win tcr-flowering bulb with <br> l i' low slender graceful spiki'S of bloom The colors aip <br> rich varied and beaulifid the cenlrealwaysdiffering in color from <br> the ollnr jiarts of the flower so that tlie blossoms e \pandliig In <br> the sun's rays jiresent a picture of gorgeous beauty <br> Admiration Cn'am rfdeye; outside streaked purple <br> Brutus VillciH l irge dark eye <br> Crateroides Major Larue bright scai-let ; earliest of ail <br> Duchess of Edinburg run-white stripes l rlght rose black eye <br> Maculosa Ucnniifui pure pink <br> Nitens Kldi crirnsnii black eye; splendid <br> Pretiosus Very large clear white rich crlmscin eye <br> Bosea Plena i \\'uiiilrr \ Double rose fragrant <br> Sarniensis fl pi Di-mble white striped 'jink <br> Stinbeani i ir 'inge striped wiili crimson <br> Viridiflora I'ure gn-en with blm k eye <br> White Swan P\ire wliite with indigo eye <br> The I'dllccilnri of above iL' named Ixlos 1 bulb euch Siic; 8 each <br> l M ' -i i; C'lch - f oo <br> Mixed Ixias containing many exi ulslte sorts <br> IVir I IDIOM Tartaricum \n elegant und rare hnlf- <br> I/VlV/L ltV'V71 hardy bulbous i lMnt of fr -e growth and <br> producing grand spiki-s 1 feet high of splemlld bell-shaped star- <br> like llowcrs of rich purple shaded with sk v blue It blooms natur- <br> ally in summer and the bidbscin be kept dry anil planted out <br> In spring or tliey may be grown In pots In cold frumi's and be <br> brought lu the conservatory towards spring for blooming <br> 3 00 20 00 <br> 2 00 12 00 <br> 30c ; 5 00 20 00 <br> 20c <br> 15c <br> 15c <br> 2 00 12 00 <br> 1 50 10 00 <br> 1 50 10 00 <br> 50 3 00' <br> 8c <br> ��Ac <br> 7c <br> id <br> l - c l <br> Oc i <br> 6e l <br> 5c <br> 2 - c <br> no' <br> 50 <br> 30 <br> GO' <br> 7 5 <br> iO <br> 1 50 <br> » » <br> iO <br> 50 <br> 2 50 <br> 50 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 2 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 4 0 i <br> 10 oo <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 43899747 149965 78524 Page 35 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899747 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Angulosa NameConfirmed Angulosa NameBankID 5333141 NameFound Aurantiaca NameFound Bobartia NameConfirmed Bobartia EOLID 5870257 NameBankID 1860017 NameFound Bosea NameConfirmed Bosea EOLID 2877689 NameBankID 2554523 NameFound Brutus NameFound Hemerocallis NameConfirmed Hemerocallis EOLID 11375972 NameBankID 2662577 NameFound Homeria NameConfirmed Homeria EOLID 5871222 NameBankID 1860012 NameFound Hyacinthus NameConfirmed Hyacinthus L EOLID 33211 NameFound Ixias NameConfirmed Ixias EOLID 20134 NameBankID 3002058 NameFound Kldi crirnsnii NameFound Maculosa NameConfirmed Maculosa NameBankID 5332904 NameFound NITENS NameConfirmed Nitens NameBankID 5129617 NameFound Pretiosus NameFound Sarniensis fl NameFound Tartaricum NameFound Viridiflora Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899747 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899747 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Hemerocallis Hepaticas Ixias BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15831877393 2015-08-24 23 53 18 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Hemerocallis Ixias Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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