Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16425966526).jpg 44 <br> PfiTER HENDIiRSOX CO NJ-W YORK � MISCi;i I AN' orS BUI RS <br> TBITELEIA <br> 8PIB EA OR ASTILBE <br> C PIP/FA HD A' TII RF In Kardemnlturt- these <br> suniiner and are pertectly hardy Imt tlieir yreat vaim is when <br> grown in pots for window and grwnliouse decoration in wir ter <br> and spring and for forcing for cutting Tlie flowers are borne <br> in lar ie featliery jjanicles of wliite and last a long time in bloom <br> I Really for sliiiJinHnt in Xoyejuber See cut <br> Japonica Tlie old favorite <br> I'ricrs ifhiiyfT pnys trnuMt 12c each 1 J doz 6 00 per 100 <br> Astilboides Ploribnnda A great inipiovenient The flowers <br> are home in large feathery i antcles of purest white and last a <br> long time in bloom It is dwarfer in hahil earlier and niorv iro- <br> liise in bloom than Spii-;va Japonica I'ndoulm'dly one of the <br> most beautifnl and graceful sulijects grown for winter and spring <br> de -oration in the house and conservatory while for grace and <br> elegance as a cut flower it is unequaled <br> Prices ifliuyfr Kiys tninsil l c each 1 lO doz fli OO per 100 <br> ITaua Compacta Uultiflora Its merits consist in compact <br> growth ample foliage of brilliant green and its wonderfully free <br> production of fe ithf r v white flowers borne in lume-like panicles <br> of magniflient proportions <br> Prires ifbiiyiTp iys tr insit inc each 1 0 doz ' » 00 i er 100 <br> Aorea Beticulata Flowers pure white in large clusters foliage <br> beautifnl green elegantlv veined with vellow ver v handsome <br> Prizes if buyer pays trausit 15c each 1 0 doz <br> QTPDMRPDni A �� tna tily or tily of the <br> O 1 II K1 I Dt- I\ VJI/A rield tine i ih ' niONt charmin- <br> anil iisrinl �� ��I aiit iininal-llowerin ' Ipnil s The flowers which an- <br> prodiii ed from September to November are nuich like a Croius <br> but larger and the petals more fleshy and of snch firm te \tuiv <br> that they withstand any amount of bad weather brightening up <br> our gnriiens long after other flowers are gone They are not only <br> very h ird v but increase rapidl v <br> S IiUtea Largi' pure rellow Crocus-like flowers which are pro- <br> duced with the leaves during late autumn SeecHf <br> S Macrantha \ new and valuable addition to our small list of <br> hardy antuTun-flowering bulbs the flowers are nearl v six inches <br> across when wide open under the influence of the bright suidlght <br> and of a liright golden yellow slightly fl iked with emerald when <br> the v first open The leaves ai-e produced After the flowers <br> nri/ OI pvl A C Peacock or Shell Plower Extn-mely <br> � IvJ IVl Lf lr\0 li ui l - ome suiunicT-ll iuriiiig - irilen luilbsfor <br> -priiig iil iniing growing -ihout two te t high pr alucing large <br> giirgeouK tl i eis e\ uisitely spotted I See iiil I /iV -ii/ c ill \ iv <br> Grandiflora Conchiflora Dark yellow large red spots <br> Pavonia liright crimson ceutit- mottled yellow <br> Alba White with yellow cup spotted crimson <br> Lilacea I ilac with purpleaiid whitespols In centre <br> Rosea Uright rose-iiink <br> Aurea I'ni-e deep golden vellow <br> Imniacnlata Pure spotless white <br> ��ypil I Iltri idre it Amerir in Woixl I ily Most beautiful <br> I Iv ' I � ' L ' - ' �� � \mericnn plants i erfeitly hard \ growing <br> mil lli weritiL' profusely in partisilly shady nimks about the lawn <br> nii ler tne eti l grown several In a pot It makes one of the <br> I est uiiiler flowers <br> Grandiflorum Album The flowers are large of the finest white <br> cliiUiuinu in a few ilays to soft rose <br> Sessile Californicum A beautiful variety with mottled follngt- <br> I'lowi'rs pure \\hite <br> Grandiflortim Roseiini A lu-w pink variety This Is one of the <br> largest and most be inllfnl of the \nu-rican Wood Miles The <br> llo«ei- s iie laiire ofien tive inclic-s across of a bright rosy pink <br> ilian in« i s they ate lo dii'p wine red <br> XDITPI PI A Uniflora Sprinfc St ir Flowir V iwr- <br> i tV' I I- L L I/A f liiiiegrm for pot rultlin- It flowers hi <br> very early spring mouths ihe bulbs aresniall and several shoidd <br> Im' grown in a pot It grows about six lo eight Inches high each <br> bulb producing several ju-ctty stnr-shapeil flowiMS of a delicate <br> ndlky while suffused Hilh bbie andejulis Ihe iM-rf- ime of prlmroM 's; <br> thev are Krfi' lly hardy ami grown In ipiantltles In a sunny <br> border or for edglngn ihey an- very eftiiilve i see cut i <br> PRICES <br> DeiireriU Viee m U S <br> Each Doz 100 <br> 18c <br> 20c <br> 20c <br> 20c <br> 1 75 <br> 2 50 <br> 2 00 <br> 2 00 <br> iO 2 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 6c <br> 6o <br> He <br> c <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 5c <br> lOe <br> 13c <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 60 4 on <br> 60 4 00 <br> 7 5 K <br> 73' 3i 00 <br> 731 3 00 <br> 30 <br> a 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 0 00 <br> 1 10 <br> 0 00 43899756 149965 78524 Page 44 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899756 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Astilbe NameConfirmed Astilbe EOLID 11171526 NameBankID 2649623 NameFound Astilboides NameConfirmed Astilboides EOLID 2886988 NameBankID 1812470 NameFound Californicum NameFound Compacta NameConfirmed Compacta EOLID 10934908 NameBankID 2627020 NameFound Croius NameFound Grandiflora NameFound Grandiflorum NameFound I ilac NameFound Pavonia NameConfirmed Pavonia Cav EOLID 61666 NameFound Roseiini Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899756 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899756 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Spirea Sternbergia Tigridias Trillium Triteleia BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16425966526 2015-08-24 23 59 48 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Unidentified Sternbergia Unidentified Trillium Unidentified Triteleia Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |