Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16425992346).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK � IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS <br> '/5 <br> The Hendersao Chilkd Plow <br> Ah hanl asKteoI; all iinprovL - <br> nK- iU4; the iH;»l plow <br> Ughl 1 linrsc gi riO <br> Mt-'diufii 1 lionfe 6 CU <br> Full 1 buisc' g riU <br> J i lit 2 lionie 7 50 <br> lc' lium 2hoine �� �� 8 00 <br> Full 2 horse 8 50 <br> Whwl fxlia 1 00 <br> J«iinter fxira 2 U0 <br> Gold Medal Subsoil Plow <br> For foMou Irit a coininuii <br> w l nakli t op tin- �� iilh to <br> liiKplh if IJillchi-i ilh 1 hono <br> plow aDd20irH'h 'Uwitli2- ioi-su <br> without tlirowing subsoil on <br> l p <br> 1 liorst 85 00 with wheel J« 00 <br> 2 lior-k- t; 0O wlch whtfl 18 U <br> Henderson Lever Set <br> All Steel Harrow <br> All sticl n spiki-toolh bur- <br> row u Hiuoothiiii; luirrow ull <br> ill one <br> 1 Hettloil 4 ft 25 tifth fe 75 <br> a � � 8 � � 50 � � 1 ; o« <br> a 12 75 � � 18 U <br> The eofliesfe workincr most <br> durablf Hrifntirtc antriK-st on <br> the inarki't All mctJil finest <br> quality knives the automatic <br> puunls ab ' olutely proteet from <br> dani er will cut one or two <br> rows nt once Can be ojKTatwl <br> by I ither one or two men <br> I rice <br> Planet Jr Celery Hllkr <br> Has It-'vtT wheel for r»» rula- <br> tlnjf depth; lever expander to <br> rr-K ilato quantity of earth <br> thrown Tno � ��Sinple Hiller <br> thrtnvH higlier and works In <br> imrrower rows but only does <br> one side of a row <br> Double row hiller U 00 <br> 16 00 Single row liiller <br> 11 00 <br> Champion Root Cutter <br> Thi- best ebe iii root cutter <br> for turnips carrots be -ts <br> etc 7 00 <br> L«ver Feed Cutter <br> Furnished witbtrauKc i late <br> c S3 50 <br> 'Hide Roller Feed Cutter <br> No OO i; ;5 Burrel Improved Cora Shelter <br> Ym j thcMs both inrk'c and sritill <br> No O <br> Other size u <br> and scjiarates cob «f j <br> Steel Wing Shovel Plow <br> and Potato Digger <br> Price gd iW; or with jiotato- <br> di rjrintr attachment y tf»j <br> THE <br> PLUjrLET <br> FRUIT PICKER <br> THE PLUMLEY FRUIT PICKER <br> Tlie fruit rollii down a cloth ttibe conse- <br> quently the picker floes n- tt have to be lowered <br> Price without jmlc 1 00 <br> with pole 1 25 <br> ' v ' vy vy v 'iv 'iv 'iv 'iv ' v7 v iv ' v 'ivy v <br> SEND FOR IT <br> MAILED JFREfi <br> HENDERSON'S NEW TOOL <br> IMPdMEtfT <br> olfFflLGGUE <br> It Describes And Shovvs Large liLusTRArioNS'OP <br> �� These and Many Other �� ' �� �� <br> Implements -Tools and Requisites <br> ' � FdrThc -y- <br> FARM GARDEN LAWN GREENHOUSE; DAIfW STABLE <br> j ' POULTRY YARD ETC A <br> THE HtTCHINSON FAMILY CIDER <br> AND WINE niLL <br> It will grind <br> from e/j /'t to <br> tt-n dushirh o/ <br> apples and <br> /rom Un io <br> tivtl-'C bushels <br> o/grapt-s i ur <br> rents t'tc per <br> tiour Thecurb <br> or pic s will <br> coniaia I he po- <br> mace of one <br> bushcif r more <br> of apples One <br> maa can make <br> with it from <br> tluo to three <br> bnrrels o/ ci <br> der or from <br> one hundred <br> to one hund- <br> red and /t/ty <br> ga 1 1 o n s oj <br> wine pi- r day <br> Weight about <br> jco pounds <br> Prices Hutchinson Cider Mill <br> With ll xU inch curl 10 00 <br> � 12-\1'- �� �� 11 00 <br> Regulation <br> Garden Wheelbarrow <br> Cahoon's Broadcast <br> Seed Sower <br> Broadcasts 16 to 10 feet wheat <br> rye oais barley tlinothv clo- <br> ver millet etc Price 3 75 <br> A superior Barrow hand- <br> somely iiainted and stri ed ; <br> iron leg oiaces liolted on <br> Number Size Price <br> No 2 Toy's 2 7 - <br> No \ MeOiuin 3 ' 0 <br> No 5 Large 1 00 <br> Plneland Incubators <br> 30-egKsizc <br> 60 ' <br> 100 <br> £00 <br> 300 <br> 3t» <br> 100 <br> 9 50 <br> 16 00 <br> 20 1 0 <br> 3- ' llO <br> 10 110 <br> 15 00 <br> 60 00 <br> Horse Radish Qrater <br> Box patt Tli cnpjicit v 15 lbs <br> all hour I'ei'i'onited tin cylin- <br> der 6 50 Wooden cylinder <br> studded sti-el pins 7 50 <br> Apple Parer Corer and SHcer <br> The porinprs and Juice fall <br> clear of the workinpf parts; <br> sirnnK durable and i;o »s gooii <br> work It can be used to pare <br> only without coriiiif and sllc- <br> ingr if desired Price 3 <br> Vegetable Grater <br> Orates apples corn horso <br> radish cheese etc i3 00 <br> Family Slaw Cut'tr and <br> Vegetable Sl cer <br> Slices thick or thin potatocfi <br> cucumbers onion etc 3 00 <br> Fruit Wine and Jelly <br> Press <br> Grape and RaUio Seeder <br> Family siie 1 00 <br> Will 8ce l 1 lb in 6 minutes <br> Hotel alzv SJO <br> Will secKl 1 lb In 1 minute <br> Ejctmcta Juice <br> and cjei'Ls s -c Is <br> and skins in one <br> operation Fiun- <br> lly Bixe capacity 1 quart 3 00 43899787 149965 78524 Page 75 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899787 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899787 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899787 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16425992346 2015-08-24 23 59 25 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |