MAKE A MEME View Large Image Autumn bulbs catalogue (16451004812).jpg \6 <br> PETKR HENDERSON CO NEW YORK ” MISCELLANEOUS BULBS <br> IRIS Al ATA <br> SFANISH IRIS <br> IpiC Rainbow Flower; Flewr de Lis 'Tlit- Dreliid of the Flower iiirtlen <br> ' 'vl»-5' ...
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Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16451004812).jpg \6 <br> PETKR HENDERSON CO NEW YORK � MISCELLANEOUS BULBS <br> IRIS Al ATA <br> SFANISH IRIS <br> IpiC Rainbow Flower; Flewr de Lis 'Tlit- Dreliid of the Flower iiirtlen <br> ' 'vl»-5' 'I'liell'iHtrsoi tliisKiiiiilv are the liche -t uiid UKist Viiriefi in color of niiv lianlv <br> fiarilen plautN and for ent flowers they are invaUialile An almost lonlinuoiis dis- <br> play of liloom can be ke t up l y plantini; the follonlud varieties Thosejrrown in ots <br> or flames for winter bloominp will com nience with Alata and Histrio which will bloom <br> in December anil lanuary then follows Reticulata in February then liakeri after <br> which those in the ojwn ound will commence with Bnk ' ~ <br> and May followed by X\\e Spanish in Tune then the Kn/rlisli then <br> Iprniniiira the Kxmpfvris in July and August and last Alata <br> in the fall <br> Eng'lisli iAnplica Larjre handsome flowers with rich purple <br> blue and lilac colors i redominatiii ; ;rows 18 to 20 inches lilj;li <br> Perfectly hardy ' - <br> Peacock i /';i\ jniii Pure white with a bright blue spot on each <br> petal Fine for pots or garden culture 1 foot See cut <br> Betictllata A lovely variety color violet blue lower petals of n <br> darker shade with gold and white stripes and veins spotted with <br> black Very sweet scented <br> Histrio Charminfrnew species � bright blue blotched yellow � and <br> v-'r \- ejirly <br> Florentina Very beautiful pure white slightly shaded with blue <br> and with a yellow beard ; deliciously violet scented <br> Alata iSiuiiiion Irix Grows about a foot high and Its brond <br> leaves much resemble thi se of the leek The flowers are very <br> large measuring 4 to 6 inches across a delicate lilac blue with <br> showy blotches of brightest yellow spotted with a darker shade <br> the richest c mi bin it ion of colors imaginable Its fl »wei-s are pro- <br> duced when our gardens are practically fl »werless conimendngto <br> bloom in October and pri ducing a second crop of Howers in <br> December if the weather be not too severe It Is admirably <br> adapted for pot culture See cut <br> Sasiajia '/'// Mourning Iris i A remarkably handsome s ecle8 <br> with immense flowers blush color tinted with brown anil covered <br> with a netwoik of dark lines May-flowering height 1 foot <br> Ziorteti One of the most beautiful The flowers are very large <br> and the coloring fine A creamy white ground with crimson pur- <br> ple spots and veins concentrated at the centre into a dark crim- <br> son purple � �� signal The standards are pure white with violet <br> lines Blooms in lune See rut <br> nPDMAM IDIC IJ s Oermanica They an <br> VJL I\ JT1/A1' irV IO fe -tly hardy thrive anywher - <br> IBIS I ORTKTI <br> The v are per- <br> grow <br> and bloom liixuri 'intly particularly if i lentifnlly snpplicil with <br> water or if ilanted in moist situations oron the banks of ponds <br> etc Plants well established produce from o to loo spikes of <br> bloom deliciously fragrant and fine for cnlting Colors iiinge <br> through yellows purples blues claret reds white an l bronzes of <br> every imaginable shade 'luni/js rea l y in Xoveniber See rut <br> Fnlda St mdards soft lavender falls light and dark blue veined <br> and feathered lumps <br> Honorable St i ml inls bright golden yellow falls finely feathered <br> and \ cincd yellow an l maroon iCIunips <br> Qtieen of thie Gypsies Siamlards smoke l jicarl and bronie <br> lalls fi' iihcrcd unil vdned with rich plum white and h\\t1 t 'Iuiiipgt <br> Mad Chereau Siamlards old gold beautifully frilled falls pur- <br> ple and wliite lini' 'lumps <br> Souvenir Standards bright yellow; falls n veined network of <br> vclli w hnff and jmrple Clumps <br> Stella line creamy white r/um/wl <br> Uixed Oeriuan Iris Many beautiful varieties 'lumps <br> I Hispanic; I This type Is well adnp- <br> Icd for pot culture and f irclng <br> blooming In I he winter The flowei-s aiv of great Ix-nuty and cnt <br> in till' bud state last from one t i two wivks in bloom If ilaiited <br> la boxes and jilaced in colil frames until they show biiil then <br> liionglit into heat tln'y can be had in bhxuii from March on <br> and will L-ivc great satisfaction tSrrcut <br> British Queen V masslvi' fiowerlng pure white <br> Iiconidas Hark violet bine <br> Belle Chlnoise l arirc ih-i'p golden yellow <br> Olynipia iicnmy yi'llow and light blue <br> IiilOCeUS liiarid ll iwcrof ponelnin blue <br> Prince of Orang'e Velbov bronrcand bltie; Inrgi flower <br> Mixed Spanish Iris containing iniiny beniitlfiil vnrietleH <br> SPANISH IRIS <br> d Pai <br> oniu <br> n April <br> FHICES <br> Delivered Free in U S <br> Each Doz <br> 100 <br> 4c 0 30 <br> 1 7 - <br> 5c <br> 50 <br> 8 00 <br> 15c 1 50 <br> 10 00 <br> 15c 1 50 <br> 10 00 <br> 8c <br> 75 <br> 5 00 <br> 10c <br> 1 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 2 'ic <br> 2 - 0 <br> 40c <br> 4 00 <br> ' 12c <br> 1 25 <br> 7 00 <br> 1 12c ; 1 23 <br> 7 00 <br> 12c 1 2 -I <br> 7 00 <br> 12c 1 25 <br> 7 00 <br> 12c <br> 12c <br> 10c <br> 1 25 <br> 1 25 <br> 1 00 <br> 7 00 <br> 7 00 <br> 0 00 i <br> He <br> 25 <br> 1 50 <br> «c <br> 25 <br> 1 60 <br> «r <br> 25 <br> 1 50 <br> «C <br> 35 <br> 1 - 0 <br> 8C <br> 25 <br> 1 50 <br> 80 <br> 25 <br> 1 - 0 <br> �2c <br> 1 <br> w 43899748 149965 78524 Page 36 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899748 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Alata NameConfirmed Alata NameBankID 3003556 NameFound Florentina NameConfirmed Florentina NameBankID 4172433 NameFound Histrio NameConfirmed Histrio EOLID 23886 NameBankID 1763252 NameFound Reticulata NameConfirmed Reticulata EOLID 11575184 NameBankID 4327865 Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899748 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899748 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Iris BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16451004812 2015-08-24 23 53 17 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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