Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16451031972).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORIC -PLANT STANDS HEATERS Etc <br> 69 <br> Potting E s8ential8 <br> Iieaf Mold for mixing with <br> llOttlllKHDll <br> Botted Sandy Feat or <br> llliliti'iiliij; ioitiiiK woil <br> Fibrous Peat fur or- <br> �� lii N ferns i-tr <br> Cocoanut Fibre Kefuse <br> for kiM'piri ImlliH In liKht- <br> ��iiln ; Holl etc <br> Spbagnum Moss lor <br> baskftH drainage ml x- <br> Ing with soil etc 5 barrel <br> bale 5 00 <br> Charcoal for Bweetenlug <br> Hcill lrulnii;;e etc <br> Bone Meal the beHt arti- <br> ficial fertilizer for mixing <br> with pottiugeoll <br> PRICES <br> purchajier <br> tran»ft <br> Peck <br> SOc <br> 30c <br> 30c <br> 30c <br> SOc <br> Lb <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> BuBh Bbl <br> 1 00 2 00 <br> 1 00 2 00 <br> 1 00 2 00 <br> Henderson's Prepared <br> Potting Soil <br> /TNXE of the principal eleineiitB of suceeoe In the <br> Vv' growing and flowering of piantH and bulbs <br> Ik proper Koil It in ho often dithcnlt for amateurs <br> to procure the right kind of potting soil that we <br> have concluded to urnlHh it to our cuHtomerH at <br> Iiracticail v coHt to uh Including packing It will <br> hetiieBame that ne UHe In our ex teuHlve green- <br> houKex It 1h conipoKcd of sod and rotted man- <br> ure thoroughly turned and mixed Heveral times <br> during the year it takes to jircpnre It when it Is <br> conHidered It to use As needed we mix with It <br> peat sand and pure raw ground bone meal � it Is <br> tiien friable rich and will cause plants to grow <br> and bloom luxuridntiy <br> PRICE 2 jc per peck hag 7oe per bushel hag <br> 9J 00 per barret purchaser to pay freight <br> S MALL 6INGLE SBBLP <br> STAND <br> Wire Plant Stands <br> SQIAHE SiTAXn WITHOIT TRKLl I S <br> KEVOLVING AnjfSTAULE STAND <br> No 2 � HiiH two tierM of iirackots and holds 1 7 p its Dianu-tci- ; <br> No 3 � I ' int I Ilns three tiers of brnekets and holds 23 pots <br> Ttl5 MILLER PORTABLE OIL tIEflTER <br> Heats by Radiation <br> No Smell NoUirtI No Gas I <br> Tu t what in wanted for small coniservatories wludow gardens <br> bathrooms small be lrooras etc ; Invaluable or protecting <br> your plants on cold nights <br> The combustion is perfect therefore absolutelv free from the <br> Offensive odor and si-jOke <br> The Mica Lining allows a pleasant light to shine through the <br> Open work of the cylinrler <br> Miller's No 372 Oil Heater � Weighs crated or shipment <br> 81Viilbn; stands lis 1ns iiijiii circumference of drum 2 'j Ins ; <br> ejiread of base 14 1ms iiohls four quarts o oil will iieat a room <br> l ix20 feet The fount tlnnge removable top and window frame <br> nrenlckel plated ; base and legs of cast Iron Japanned black; <br> cylinder of Russia Iron tips back to remove fount The new- <br> burner Is the best In the world; cannot smoke has automatic <br> extinguisher central draft wick 9 inches in circumference burns <br> 8 to 10 hours Indicator shows how much oil Is in the fount at <br> anytime They have tin- simplest and b -st wlck-ralsIng lievice <br> nud are the latest and bes oil heatei-s in the market Price <br> iNo 372 - 00 <br> WINDOW BRACKETS FOR PLANTS <br> Higldy linishi-d and <br> supplied complete with <br> screws <br> Each <br> 1 pot 0 2 - <br> These knock down for shipment and consequently reach their <br> destination in i erfect condition They are very strong and steady <br> and are handsomely finished in green enamel and gold <br> I ABOI HALF CIRCLE STAND � 4 ins wide 28 ins <br> deeji 4l' ins lii h or with trellis 72 ins high Price without trel- <br> lis S OO With trellis ' i -o <br> SMAI I HALF CIRCLE STAND � 42 ins wide 20 ins <br> deep 42 Ins high or with trellis 07 ins high Price without <br> trellis �� 7 110 With trellis s - o <br> THREE SHELF SQUARE STAND � 41 ins bmg 2 ; Ins <br> ileep 42 ins liiirli or uilh trellis ins high Price without <br> trellis S s oo With trellis �� ' i - i <br> TWO SHELF SQUARE STAND � 34 ins long 17 Ins deep <br> i2 ins higli or willi tn-llis r o ins lii li Price without trellis <br> 00 With tiellis sr - 0 <br> SMALL SHELF SQUARE STAND � 2 S Ins long 10 Ins <br> deep 22 ins hiyli Price si 00 <br> REVOLVING ftDJUSTABLE PLANT STAND <br> lALF aRCLE STAND W <br> Ij ins ; height 4 feet; weight aliont 2 ll s <br> Diameter 32 Ins ; height 5 feet; weight 35 lbs <br> Price 11 00 <br> 7 50 <br> 4-POT DSACKET <br> HanKine Basket and <br> Birdcage Hook l 'ets <br> each <br> The Queen Palm Stand <br> Adjustable In height from lu <br> Inches to 3n Incliefl hea y iron <br> base to prevent tlpplDB; 6llt <br> Ing tube etand and iield p <br> Iiosltlonliy thumb fe <br> wooden lop all One <br> enameled white <br> trimmed gold <br> Trice ii 'M <br> QUEEN <br> ADJUSTABLE <br> I'LANT <br> STA ND <br> RolliRQ Stands tor Heavu Plants <br> A very useftd unbreakulile libre arrangement <br> on ball-bearing casters for holding turning or <br> moving heavy plants and preventing injury to <br> carpets from drip or lampness <br> 1; Inch diam on ;5 casters 0 7 5 <br> 18 � � � � 4 � � 1 00 <br> 20 �� � 5 � � 1 25 <br> 22 � � e 1 50 43899781 149965 78524 Page 69 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899781 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899781 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899781 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Plant Stands BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories plant stands bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16451031972 2015-08-24 23 59 36 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 plant stands Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |