Keywords: Baptism aboard USS Green Bay 161128-N-JH293-232.jpg en SASEBO Japan Nov 28 2016 Chief Petty Officer Justin Beckett holds a chisel as Lt j g Brian Caplan hammers a letter of his son �s name into the bell of the amphibious transport dock ship USS Green Bay LPD 20 during a baptism held in the ship �s hangar bay Caplan �s son Theo was the first newborn to have his name engraved inside Green Bay �s bell Conducting baptisms and engraving a child �s name into the ship �s bell is a Navy tradition that dates back several hundred years to its origins in the British Royal Navy Green Bay forward-deployed to Sasebo Japan is serving forward to provide a rapid-response capability in the event of a regional contingency or natural disaster U S Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Chris Williamson/Released Unit Navy Media Content Services DVIDS Tags Wisconsin; Water; U S 7th Fleet; Ocean; Japan; Sasebo; Pacific; LPD 20; USS Green Bay; Forward Deployed; Packers; Ship; Navy; Sailors; CTF 76; Green Bay; BHR; NMCS; DVIDS Bulk Import; USS-GB 2016-11-14 Petty Officer 2nd Class Chris Williamson https //www dvidshub net/image/3034843/baptism-aboard-uss-green-bay 161128-N-JH293-232 2016-12-06 00 47 SASEBO JP PD-USGov-Military-Navy USS Green Bay LPD-20 Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ |