Keywords: Baranov Alexandr Evstafievitch.jpg Александ� ъ Евстафьевичъ Ба� ановъ Ф� ейман О Р Пажи за 183 года 1711 �1984 Биог� афии бывших пажей с по� т� етами Ф� ид� ихсгамн 1894 Author 1894 PD-old 1837 births 1905 deaths 19th-century men of Russia 19th-century portrait photographs of men Black and white portrait photographs of military people in uniform Black and white photographs Generals of the Russian Empire Knights of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky Knights of the Order of St Anna Knights of the Order of St Vladimir Men looking left Men with beards People with medals Recipients of the Order of Saint George IV Class Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian Recipients of the Order of St Vladimir 2nd class Recipients of the Order of the White Eagle in portraits Russian military personnel of the Russo-Turkish War 1877 �1878 |