MAKE A MEME View Large Image BASA-600K-1-1866-4-Kapitulation von Sedan.jpeg Капитулацията на Седан Албум със снимки на Бисма к издаден по случай 80-годишнината му в Бе лин 1895 г Die ...
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Keywords: BASA-600K-1-1866-4-Kapitulation von Sedan.jpeg Капитулацията на Седан Албум със снимки на Бисма� к издаден по случай 80-годишнината му в Бе� лин 1895 г Die deutsch-französischen Kapitulationsverhandlungen am 2 September 1870 Deutscher Verhandlungsführer ist Otto Graf von Bismarck 1815 �1898 A depiction of the talks in the village of w Donchery Ardennes department Ardennes France on 1870 09 02 hours after the French Army of Châlons had run up a white flag over Sedan Ardennes Sedan Members of the French delegation pictured on the left Supreme Commander Emmanuel Félix de Wimpffen just standing up General Auguste-Alexandre Ducrot and other officers Members of the delegation from the Prussian Coalition pictured on the right Supreme Commander Helmuth von Moltke the Elder standing at the table Otto von Bismarck sitting to Moltke's left Field Marshall Germany General Field Marshall Leonhard Graf von Blumenthal General Field Marshall Alexander August Wilhelm von Pape commanders of the 3rd- and the Maas-Army and other officers after 1870-09-02 Creator Anton von Werner oil canvas ЦДА 600К Константин Стоилов 1 1866 4 credit line exhibition history BASA Спасими� <span class signature-talk >talk</span> 2014-09-09 other versions PD-old-auto 1915 Paintings by Anton von Werner Auguste-Alexandre Ducrot Napoléon III surrenders 1870 Helmuth von Moltke the Elder Light in art Shadows in art
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