Keywords: Beautify your homes (15727437864).jpg Miss Ella V Baines The Woman Florist Springfield Ohio <br> CROTONS <br> rw OTHING can excel <br> ll l the beauty and <br> ILmJI richness of color- <br> ing that is found <br> in this class of plants <br> They are beautiful pot <br> plants for the conserva- <br> tory making very hand- <br> some specimens for decora- <br> tive and exhibition pur- <br> poses and are now used <br> extensively as bedding <br> plants for which purpose <br> they are exceptionally <br> well adapted They should <br> be planted m full sun in a <br> position where they can <br> be liberally supplied with <br> water which develops <br> the most wonderful color- <br> ing in the foliage Un- <br> doubtedly the most inter- <br> esting aiid showiest bed- <br> din g in my Springfield <br> yards the past few years <br> was made with this plant <br> Price 7 cts each; four for 25 cts ; any ten for 50 cts <br> Acubifolium � Broad green leaves with yellow spots <br> Aurea Macnlata � Small narrow leaves bright green pro- <br> fusely spotted with deep yellow <br> Chrysophyllum � A lovely Croton with many shades <br> I Dermauiana � Chocolate with bright orange red spots <br> ' Disraelii � Irregular shaped leaves yellow and crimson mid- <br> rib <br> Ingomar � Narrow irregular green leaves bright yellow <br> stripes <br> Interruptum � Long narrow leaves Center yellow and red <br> Iiiimitabilis � Golden yellow and fiery crimson Very <br> bright <br> Lowii � Crimson green and yellow Lovely <br> Makoyauum � Chocolate and carmine markings <br> Pictum � Lovely markings with green and orange <br> Splendetis � Green with bright yellow markings <br> Spiralis � slender leaves twisted like a corkscrew <br> Veitchii � Yellow green and crimson One of the best <br> Volutum � The rams horn Croton Leaves dark green <br> bright yellow center Shape of ram's horn <br> Weismanii � Narrow leaves with beautiful yellow mid-rib <br> CROTON <br> COLEUS <br> I have a collection of one hundred kinds of the most distinct <br> sorts out Leave the selection of varieties to me as it is hard to <br> describe the various tints <br> Price 5 cents each; any ten for 50 cents; twenty dis- <br> tinct varieties for 1 00; by express thirty for 1 00 I <br> will send the below twenty choice named Coleus by <br> mall prepaid for 1 00 These are all good bedders <br> standing the hot sun without losing their colors <br> Price of Coleus by the hundred when sent by ex- <br> press 3 00 <br> Autumn Glow � Has all the beautiful tints of Autumn leaves <br> Bronze Queen � A deep bronze with fine yelloy edge <br> Black Bird � Very dark with reddish cast <br> Butterfly � A crimson bronze old gold and green <br> Bizarre � Crimson center edged with green and gold <br> Beauty � A crimson bronze with three colors <br> Chicago Bedder � Green and gold An excellent bedder <br> Dora Clapp � Crimson center with bronze and green edge <br> Empress of India � Crimson with golden edge <br> Fire Brand � A fine bedder Dark crimson shaded garnet <br> Fire Crest � The foliage is a bright carmine crimson shade <br> the edge is slightly marked with golden yellow <br> Golden Bedder � Deep golden yellow A fine bedder <br> Golden Verschafeltii � This ranks first in yellow varieties <br> Hero � A deep jet black <br> Hiawatha � Bronze and yenow spotted <br> Progess � A beautifully mottled red green and bronze <br> Retta Kirkpatrick � Bright green large deep yellow center <br> Setting Sun � Crimson with brightest golden edge <br> Verschafeltii � A rich velvety crimson The best bedder <br> Yeddo � The color is a deep golden yellow splotched with a <br> bright green <br> Remember the above twenty choice Coleus for only <br> 1 00; any ten for 50 cents You have never seen <br> anything so grand In the Coleus line Try them <br> and see what a beautiful bed you can have and <br> 'with but little care <br> QUEEN OF NIGHT CACTUS <br> Cereus Grandif lora or Night Blooming Cereus <br> QJJEEN OF NIGHT CACTUS <br> Decidedly the grandest flowering plant in cultivation Imag- <br> ine a dozen flowers unfolding with the setting sun their hun- <br> hreds of wax-like petals encircled by a wreath of gold in con- <br> tinual motion Imagine such a flower three feet in circumfer- <br> ence perfuming the surrounding air with the most delicious <br> fragrance known Does it not deserve its royal title It grows <br> and blooms with the greatest ease requires absolutely no care <br> living for months without water increasing in value yearlv I <br> have the genuine variety the only one with fragrant flowers <br> twelve to twenty inches across and can furnish nice plants at 6 <br> cents each <br> Lobster Cactus � Fine Winter bloomer beautiful pink flow- <br> ers Blooms when quite small Nice plants 6 cents each <br> CYPEBUS <br> ALTERNI- <br> FOLIUS <br> Umbrella Plant <br> This plant is of the <br> easiest culture and <br> a large specimen is <br> as handsome as a <br> Palm for decoration <br> Itmakes a handsome <br> pot plant or can be <br> used in baskets or <br> vases making a <br> charming effect It <br> will grow luxuriant- <br> ly in water and is <br> therefore Indispen- <br> sable for aquariums <br> or fountains 5 <br> cents each 41878699 131125 64689 Page 8 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878699 1918 10 1080/00222939708680643 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Cereus NameConfirmed Cereus EOLID 38008 NameBankID 657350 NameFound Chrysophyllum NameConfirmed Chrysophyllum L EOLID 66462 NameFound Folius NameConfirmed Folius NameBankID 4172623 NameFound Pictum NameConfirmed Pictum EOLID 20779242 NameBankID 5100025 NameFound Spiralis NameConfirmed Spiralis NameBankID 267673 Biodiversity Heritage Library Beautify your homes 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Roses Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41878699 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878699 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-23 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15727437864 2015-08-24 08 55 23 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Beautify your homes Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |