Keywords: Beautify your homes (16162509280).jpg 10 <br> Miss Ella V Baines The Woman Florist Springfield Ohio <br> FIVE BB AXTCM XJI GAJL JL J± X IT/EE i <br> Sew Baby Calla Lily Little Gem � This Calla only grows <br> about six to eight inches high and is the freest blooming of all <br> the Callas The bloom is pure white The following facts will <br> convince any one of its great superiority over the old sort Of <br> dwarf habit; the same plant will grow and bloom for years <br> without once ceasing and the quantity of bloom which a good <br> plant will produce is astonishing A large plant is hardly ever <br> without one or more flowers All in all it is one of the most de- <br> sirable plants I have ever offered 15 cents each <br> Tlie Black Calla � Its flowers are enormous fnlly a foot in <br> length Color a clear coal black so intense that it really shows <br> a brilliancy and as may well be imagined it is a flower of most <br> striking oddity and beauty The bulbs are large and should be <br> potted in the Fall and when growth commences set iu a win- <br> dow After blooming the foliage will die down and the bulbs <br> should be kept dry for replanting in the Fall Price of large <br> flowering bulbs 25 cents each <br> Calla Richardia � Spotted Calla Plant with beautiful <br> spotted leaves It flowers abundantly during the Summer <br> months when planted out in the open border The flowers are <br> shaped like those of a Calla aud are pure while shaded with <br> violet inside Keep dry in Winter and start in the Spring like a <br> Dahlia The plant belongs to the same order as Calla Ethiopi- <br> ca Price blooming bulbs 15 centseach Larger size to pro- <br> duce a dozen blooms 25 cents each <br> Calla Ethiopica � Egyptian Lily This is the well-known <br> Egyptian Lily or Lily of the Nile with large white flowers <br> broad foliage and it will prosper under very adverse circum- <br> stances If you want large Callas send to me as I am head- <br> quarters for them I have three sizes Price small plants to <br> bloom next Winter 10 cents each; strong blooming bulbs 25 <br> cents each; mammoth bulbs to make ten to twelve blooms 50 <br> cents each <br> Calla Hastata � This is the yellow Calla It is just like the <br> others only the flower i« a lemon yellow It is very distinct and <br> will enrich any one s collection 20 Cents each <br> SPECIAL OFFER The set of five distinct Callas <br> all blooming bulbs for 60 cents <br> CLERODENDRON BALEOTJRII <br> A plant of great <br> beauty Makes a grand <br> bedding plant where <br> both foliage and bloom <br> are desired The flow- <br> ers which are of a <br> bright scarlet are en- <br> cased by a bag - like <br> calyx of pure white <br> the trusses or panicles <br> of flowers are upwards <br> of six inches in length <br> and when trained upon <br> trellises and hangiug <br> down have a rich and <br> elegant appearance <br> Price 5 centseach <br> CRAPE <br> MYRTLE <br> Handsome shrubs <br> when in bloom The <br> flowers cover the- en- <br> tire plant Hardy in <br> the South We have balfourii <br> three kinds m the fol- <br> lowing colors � pink crimson and purple 5 cents each <br> CALADITJM ESCULENTUM <br> One of the most beautiful and striking ornamental-fohaged <br> plants in cultivation either for culture in large pots or tubs or <br> for plantingout on the lawn Will grow in any garden soil and <br> is of the easiest culture When of full size it stands about five <br> feet high with immense leaves often measuring four feet in <br> length by two and one-half in breadth Smooth of bright green <br> color beautifully veined and variegated with dark green The <br> roots should be preserved in dry sand m the cellar during Win- <br> ter out of danger from frost Price good bulbs 10 cents each; <br> large bulbs 25 cents each; extra large bulbs 50 cents each <br> FANCY-LEAVED CALADIUMS <br> These plants are especially valuable for <br> decorating conservatories window boxes <br> and as specimen plants They are mag- <br> nificent planted in beds outdoors noth- <br> ing being more showy The brilliant <br> cardinal red cream pink white and <br> various shadesof green that are displayed <br> in the veimngsand blotches of the leaves <br> cannot be obtained in any other class of <br> plants For arranging floral baskets or <br> table decorations they are qu'te as hand- <br> some as any flower We have a fine col- <br> lection of first-class distinct brilliantly- <br> marked varieties t'sually the bulbs of <br> Fancy Caladiums that are sent out are so <br> small as to tail to grow We have been <br> fortunate in securing a stock of extra <br> larce bulbs Try them Price well- <br> dried extra large bulbs our selection of sorts 25 <br> centseach These are the finest bulbs you ever saw <br> of Fancy Caladiums <br> FANCY CALAPIUMS 41878697 131125 64689 Page 10 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878697 1918 10 1080/00222939708680643 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Clerodendron NameConfirmed Clerodendron EOLID 13174936 NameBankID 276907 NameFound Ethiopica NameConfirmed Ethiopica EOLID 66302 NameBankID 4162235 NameFound Richardia NameConfirmed Richardia EOLID 29640 NameBankID 387684 Biodiversity Heritage Library Beautify your homes 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Roses Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41878697 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878697 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-23 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16162509280 2015-08-24 08 52 45 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Beautify your homes Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |