Keywords: Beckert's garden field and flower seeds (Page 36) (16561289725).jpg Annuals for Bloom the First Season <br> WM C BECKERT <br> ALLEGHENY PA <br> PRICE OF ALL PACKETS 5 CTS UNLESS OTHERWISE QUOTED <br> GRASSES ORNAMENTAL <br> Beds composed entirely of Grasses with the tall varieties planted in the center and the <br> shorter ones used for edging are especially beautiful <br> Feathery and ele- <br> Pretty <br> ACROSTIS nebulosa <br> gant; 1 feet <br> AVENA sterilis Animated Oats <br> drooping heads; i feet <br> BRIZA maxima The large form of Quak- <br> ing Grass; VA feet <br> Minima gracilis Small Quaking Grass; <br> 1 foot ; elegant for bouquets <br> BROMUS brizaeformis Useful in many <br> decorative ways when dried ; 2 feet <br> Mignonette Machet <br> ICE PLANT Mesembryanthemum <br> and stems covered with a shining granular coat; plant trailing <br> baskets vases borders Mixed <br> IPOMOPSIS Standing Cypress Handsome plants with <br> long spikes of red or bright scarlet flowers and fine foliage Mixed <br> KAUXJFUSSIA Compact free-blooming from 6 inches to 1 <br> foot high Flowers blue violet white crimson or rose ; graceful <br> and pretty Mixed <br> LARKSPUR <br> Rocket Larkspurs are very showy; flower-spikes of bright colors <br> Dwarf Double and Tall Double Mixed colors of each <br> Branching Bears long spikes of flowers on long stems blooms <br> continuously until cut down by frost; fine for cutting Pkt 10c <br> LAVATERA Free-blooming plant growing about 2 feet tall <br> and producing its sho\ y red flowers all through the summer <br> LEPTOSIPHON Beautiful in flower and foliage giving <br> fine effects when grown in masses ; 6 inches Mixed <br> LINTIM Scarlet Flax Of great beauty Blossoms bright <br> scarlet stems and foliage fine <br> LOBELIA <br> Erinus speciosa superba Dark blue with large white eye; trailing <br> Erin us alba White; trailing <br> Speciosa superba compacta A charming variety; <br> flowers rich deep blue strikingly relieved by a con- <br> spicuous white eye Pkt 10 cts <br> Crystal Palace compacta Dark blue flowers ; fine <br> for edging and carpet bedding Pkt 10 cts <br> Compacta alba White � Pkt 10 cts <br> Prima Donna Crimson Pkt 10 cts <br> LVNARIA Honesty Hardy biennial and <br> must be sown in autumn or early spring for flowers <br> the first year Flowers white and double <br> LUPINUS Sun-dial Very effective in mixed <br> borders The seed should be sown where plants are <br> to stand; 2 feet Mixed <br> MARIGOLD <br> Showy plants for midsummer and autumn bloom <br> 1 to 2 feet tall free-flowering and easy to grow <br> Eldorado Flowers from 10 to 14 inches around very <br> double of bright golden orange and primrose shades <br> Dwarf African Dwarf dense growth and immense <br> double flowers of a peculiar shade of golden yellow <br> Tall Double French Mixed; flowers of various <br> bright colors <br> Dwarf Double French Plants low and compact Mixed <br> Signata pumila Dwarf plants; forms a true gilt <br> edge for beds <br> MATHIOLA bicornis Delightfully fragrant <br> lilac flowers A capital edging plant for dry and <br> sunny exposures <br> COIX lachryma Job's Tears Broad <br> blades and drooping seeds <br> ERACROSTIS elegans Love Grass <br> CYNERIUM argenteum Pampas Grass <br> See Perennials <br> LACURUS ovatus Hare's Tail Grass <br> Small white spikes; 2 feet <br> STIPA pennata Feather Grass <br> TRICHOL/EANA rosea Rose-tinted; <br> 2 feet <br> « ° The Grasses are enjoying a revival of popularity in bothLandscape Gardening and small grounds <br> GAIULAR DIA Lorenziana Blanket Flower Showy bedding plants covered <br> with double flowers from midsummer until frost; many bright colors <br> GODETIA Bright and attractive little plants always gay with a crop of pretty <br> white rose or crimson flowers Mixed <br> HIBISCUS <br> Africanus Showy and effective Large cream-colored flowers with brown center <br> Giant Yellow The flowers attain a great size measuring 7 to 8 inches in diameter; <br> canary-yellow with garnet throat Pkt 10 cts <br> HUNNEMANNIA fumariaefolia Giant Yellow Tulip Poppy A very showy <br> plant Large buttercup-yellow poppy-like flowers produced in great abundance all <br> summer; 2 feet Pkt 10 cts <br> listening waxen leaves MIGNONETTE <br> The matchless perfume of this modest flower renders it one of the <br> most popular annuals grown <br> Defiance Spikes very large and deliciously fragrant The indi- <br> vidual flowers are of immense size forming a graceful as well as a <br> compact spike; fine for cutting; keeps a long time Pkt 10 cts <br> Machet The best variety for pots ; is dwarf and free-blooming ; <br> flower-spikes bright reddish maroon; very sweet Pkt 10 cts <br> Golden Machet Differs from the type in its heavy spikes of <br> golden yellow blossoms Pkt 10 cts <br> Colden Queen Plants dwarf; flowers bright golden yellow Oz 20c <br> Victoria Flowers dark red and very fragrant Pkt 10 cts <br> Large-flowering The old and well-known Mignonette still as <br> sweet as any Oz 15 cts <br> MIMULUS MONKEY FLOWER <br> Moschatus The well-known Musk Plant with strongly-scented <br> yellow flowers Pkt 10 cts <br> Tigrinus grandiflorus Large-flowering new tigered and spotted <br> varieties in many rich colors <br> NIGELEA Love-in-a-Mist A delicately pretty plant; light <br> blue or white flowers set in a mist of feathery green foliage and <br> bearing curious seed-pods Mixed <br> Lobelia Compacta 43294142 138660 69754 Page 36 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43294142 1901 10 5962/bhl title 69754 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Wm C Beckert Firm NameFound Africanus NameFound Bromus NameConfirmed Bromus EOLID 108079 NameBankID 2660780 NameFound Coix NameConfirmed Coix EOLID 108123 NameBankID 2661572 NameFound Compacta alba NameFound Erinus speciosa superba NameFound Godetia NameConfirmed Godetia EOLID 5466836 NameBankID 3471363 NameFound Hibiscus NameConfirmed Hibiscus L EOLID 60741 NameFound Hunnemannia NameConfirmed Hunnemannia Sweet EOLID 72891 NameFound Ipomopsis NameConfirmed Ipomopsis Michx EOLID 38911 NameFound Lavatera NameConfirmed Lavatera L EOLID 71639 NameFound Leptosiphon NameConfirmed Leptosiphon EOLID 5693987 NameBankID 3423439 NameFound Lobelia NameConfirmed Lobelia sect Rhynchopetalum Fresenius Benth EOLID 2895791 NameFound Lorenziana NameConfirmed Lorenziana NameBankID 5328378 NameFound Lupinus NameConfirmed Lupinus EOLID 11222714 NameBankID 2650646 NameFound Mathiola NameConfirmed Mathiola NameBankID 3464563 NameFound Mesembryanthemum NameConfirmed Mesembryanthemum EOLID 11256701 NameBankID 2665273 NameFound Mimulus NameConfirmed Mimulus EOLID 103579 NameBankID 4774934 NameFound Minima gracilis NameConfirmed Monima gracilis NameFound Moschatus NameConfirmed Moschatus NameBankID 4248171 NameFound Prima NameConfirmed Prima Foord 2008 NameFound Signata pumila NameFound Speciosa superba compacta NameFound Stipa NameConfirmed Stipa EOLID 108053 NameBankID 2662011 NameFound Tigrinus grandiflorus NameFound Victoria NameConfirmed Victoria EOLID 34123 NameBankID 897688 Biodiversity Heritage Library Bulbs Plants Catalogs Commercial catalogs Flowers Fruit Garden tools Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43294142 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43294142 bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-17 PD-old-70-1923 Beckert's garden field and flower seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Files from the Biodiversity Heritage Library released as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |