Keywords: Bellerophon Chimaera BM D205.jpg Bellerophon and the Chimaera Terracotta flask with moulded medallions made in Apulia ca 300 �250 BC Bellérophon et la Chimère Flacon en terre cuite à médaillons moulés fabrication apulienne vers 300-250 av J -C Museum British Museum Upper floor room 73 The Greeks in Southern Italy object history credit line Former Durand and Blacas collections accession number GR 1867 5-8 647 Cat Terracottas D 205 Jastrow 2006 other versions Bellerophon and Pegasus Chimera Round reliefs Terracotta figurines from Magna Graecia Ancient Greek terracottas in the British Museum Room 73 British Museum Blacas Collection Durand Collection 3rd-century BC pottery |