Keywords: Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace and Anichkov Bridge St. Petersburg.jpg И И Ша� лемань Вид с Аничкова моста на дво� ец Белосельских-Белозе� ских в Санкт-Пете� бу� ге 1850-е годы Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace from the en Anichkov Bridge 1850s en wikipedia org Uploaded on 18 April 2006 by en User Ghirlandajo s 1850 Creator Joseph-Maria Charlemagne PD-old-100 Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace Horse Tamers on Anichkov Bridge Anichkov bridge 18th-20th century Paintings of Saint Petersburg Joseph-Maria Charlemagne Location of museum or gallery missing |