Keywords: BEP-BURT-Baptism of Pocahontas (Chapman).jpg Assessments 1 Historical paintings engraved for U S banknotes LargeImage Bureau of Engraving and Printing engraved vignette of John G Chapman �s painting Baptism of Pocahontas Engraving by Charles Burt <br/>Scanned from an original impression part of a Treasury Department presentation album of portraits and vignettes c 1902 possibly presented to Lyman Gage Epson 10000XL scanner 2400dpi 2014-05-28 21 56 08 Restoration by Godot13 Charles Burt at the American Banknote Company for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing File BEP-BURT-Baptism of Pocahontas Chapman reduced original jpg PD-USGov cc-by-sa-3 0 2014 User Godot13 Engraved vignettes by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Uploaded with UploadWizard United States Capitol rotunda John Gadsby Chapman Featured Pictures English Wikipedia by User Godot13 |