MAKE A MEME View Large Image Bernardino Luini - Crucifixion - WGA13758.jpg Artwork Creator Bernardino Luini langSwitch Crucifixion with Madonna and Sts Paul Mary Magdalene John and Francis Распятие с  адонной святыми Павлом  а ией  ...
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Keywords: Bernardino Luini - Crucifixion - WGA13758.jpg Artwork Creator Bernardino Luini langSwitch Crucifixion with Madonna and Sts Paul Mary Magdalene John and Francis Распятие с � адонной святыми Павлом � а� ией � агдалиной Иоанном и Ф� анциском Kreuzigung mit Madonna und St Paul Maria Magdalena Johannes und Franziskus ca 1530 Oil on canvas LangSwitch transferred from wood übertragen von Holztafel холст пе� еведена с де� ева масло size cm 90 73 5 Institution Hermitage Museum Not on display object history credit line accession number ГЭ-259 1 WGA link 13758 http //www wga hu/art/l/luini/father/2/crucifix jpg http //www wga hu/html/l/luini/father/2/crucifix html <br/>2 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/29673/ lng en langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg PD-old-100 painting religious Italian 1501-1550 Bernardino Luini Crucifixion; Hermitage DEFAULTSORT Luini Bernardino; Crucifixion; Hermitage Italian Renaissance paintings in the Hermitage 16th-century paintings in the Hermitage Paintings of men with swords WGA form painting WGA type religious WGA School Italian WGA time period 1501-1550 16th-century paintings of the Crucifixion of Christ Italian Renaissance paintings of Crucifixion 1530 paintings Paintings of Crucifixion of Christ in Russia 1530s paintings in Russia 16th-century religious paintings in Russia 16th-century oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1530s religious paintings
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