Keywords: BirthDeath 1950 BY.svg en The birth and death rates in Belarus 1950 �2008 ru Рождаемость и сме� тность в Бело� уссии 1950 � 2008 см ru Русский к� ест own Incnis Mrsi 2009-07-13 public domain File RNI 1950 BY svg Disclaimer The author of this graph gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for its factual accuracy This graph is nothing but a visualization of data from http //demoscope ru/weekly/ias/ias05 php tim 0 cou 3 terr 1 ind 26 Submit OK http //demoscope ru/weekly/ias/ias05 php tim 0 cou 3 terr 1 ind 1 Submit OK which may be incomplete or error-prone If you find an error please correct the data in a <path d � /> tag adding some comments about your reliable source and upload the file over Demographics of Belarus Birth and death rates Birth rate in Belarus |