Keywords: Blagovescenskaya sq. Nizhny Novorod. 1896.jpg ru Благовещенская площадь и � ижего� одский К� емль около 1896 года 1896 http //www skyscrapercity com/showthread php t 851352 page 179 � аксим Дмит� иев other versions Minin and Pozharsky square 2014 150px 56 32715 44 00787 Custom license marker 2014 10 02 PD-RusEmpire Uploaded with UploadWizard Historical images of Minin and Pozharsky Square Historical images of Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin Church of the Annunciation on Blagoveshchenskaya Square Nizhny Novgorod 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod Historical images of Dmitrovskaya Tower |