MAKE A MEME View Large Image Bodrum 1772.jpg en This is Chart and a panoramic view of Bodrum The plan was drawn from russian fregat Tino her position designated on the chart with letter D during Russo-Turkish war 1769-1774 The town of Bodrum has ancient fortifications ...
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Keywords: Bodrum 1772.jpg en This is Chart and a panoramic view of Bodrum The plan was drawn from russian fregat Tino her position designated on the chart with letter D during Russo-Turkish war 1769-1774 The town of Bodrum has ancient fortifications and is well provided with canons letter A A constructions which serves as a battery of a ten canons letter B Turkish vessels letter C This chart was made on 25th April 1772 ru Это ка� та и пано� амный вид ту� ецкого го� ода Бод� ума План снят с ф� егато Тино его положение обозначено на ка� те лите� ой D во в� емя Русско-Ту� ецкой войны 1769-1774 Го� од Бод� ум имеет ста� инное ук� епление с пушками лите� а А Ст� оение служащее вместо бата� еи лите� а B Ту� ецкие суда лите� а С Ка� та сделана 25 ап� еля 1772 года http //www indrik ru/catalogue/1997/Atlas_archipelagus shtml author 1772 PD-old-100 Maps of the Russo-Turkish Wars Old maps of Turkey Bodrum 1772 maps
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