MAKE A MEME View Large Image Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue (16324075106).jpg 38 <br> F W BOLGIANO CO <br> Iron Age Farm and Garden Tools <br> These tools are well known to be most satisfactory and the best <br> No 6 Iron Age Combined Double Wheel Hoe Hill <br> and Drill ...
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Keywords: Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue (16324075106).jpg 38 <br> F W BOLGIANO CO <br> Iron Age Farm and Garden Tools <br> These tools are well known to be most satisfactory and the best <br> No 6 Iron Age Combined Double Wheel Hoe Hill <br> and Drill Seeder � Ease and simplicity of adjustment <br> lu uiness combined with great strength accuracy in dis- <br> tributing the seed and ease of operation are striking and <br> important features of this most practical and complete <br> Combination Tool In each form whether a Seed Drill <br> Douole Wheel Hoe or single Wheel Hoe it is equal to tools <br> made especially for the one purpose It places the seed in <br> continuous rows or in hills at 4 6 8 12 or 21 inches apart <br> Complete as in cut price 10 The Double Wheel Hoe <br> form of this tool is shown as No 1 opposite <br> A complete descriptive Iron Age Catalogue sent free on application <br> No 1 Iron Age Double Wheel Hoe � One great advan- <br> tage of this tool is that it can be changed to a practical Sin- <br> gle Wheel Hoe in a moment's time The wheels of these <br> tools are hi inches high enabling them to run easily and <br> without yielding to the inequalities of the soil as a low <br> wheel will do The frame being made of pipe coupled to <br> malleable castings gives great strength together with <br> lightness A set of ploughs cultivator teeth and rakes ac- <br> company this tool Price complete 6 00 A Seed Drill at- <br> tachment may be applied for sowing in rows only 00 or <br> sowing in both rows and hills 1 00 As No 8 Double Wheel <br> Hoe side hoes only 3 50 <br> No 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cultivator � Re- <br> markable for its exceeding lightness combined with great <br> strength low price and variety of satisfactory work it will <br> accomplish Can be used as a Plow Hoe Cultivator or <br> Hake Price complete 8 00 As wheel plow only No 11 <br> 2 00 <br> No 20 Iron Age Single Wheel Hoe � One of the latest <br> and most complete Single Wheel Hoes made It is light <br> but very strong Furnished with 1 pair of side hoes 3 cul- <br> tivator teeth 1 pair of rakes and a landside plow Price <br> complete 5 00 Price plain hoes only No 21 8 25 Can <br> be changed to a Hili or Drill Seeder by applying the seeder <br> attachment <br> The Gem <br> of the Gar- <br> den -Single <br> Wheel Hoe <br> Very popular <br> and is well <br> known for <br> years to be <br> truly a Gem <br> Can be used <br> as a Hoe Cul- <br> tivator or <br> Plow Price <br> complete 4 25 <br> Plain with <br> teeth only 8 <br> No 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder � Has the high wheel <br> �� index adjustment the brush agitator and every good feat- <br> j ure of a plain drill Price complete 6 00 The hoe attach- <br> / ment of the No 20 may be added at any time making a <br> ~ complete Plow Cultivator or Rake <br> No 16 Iron Age Hill and Drill Seeder 7 00 42156288 132756 65911 Page 38 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156288 1902 10 5962/bhl title 65911 F W Bolgiano Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue tested seeds for the garden and farm Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Fruit Garden tools Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156288 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156288 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-23 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16324075106 2015-08-24 08 53 32 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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