MAKE A MEME View Large Image Boucher Vénus demande à Vulcain des armes pour Énée.jpg Venus Asking Vulcan for Arms for Aeneas Vénus demande à Vulcain des armes pour Énée Вене� а п� осящая у Вулкана о� ужие для Энея 1732 Oil on ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Boucher Vénus demande à Vulcain des armes pour Énée.jpg Venus Asking Vulcan for Arms for Aeneas Vénus demande à Vulcain des armes pour Énée Вене� а п� осящая у Вулкана о� ужие для Энея 1732 Oil on canvas cm 252 175 Institution Louvre Sully Second Floor Room 38 The painters of Louis XV Sully 2 e étage Salle 38 Les peintres de Louis XV Гале� ея Сюлли вто� ой этаж 38-й зал Художники Людовика XV 000PE000192 object history credit line Louis XVI Collection purchased in 1786 Collection de Louis XVI acquis en 1786 Коллекция Людовика XVI п� иоб� етено в 1786 году accession number INV 2709  Transfered from ru wikipedia other versions PD-old-100 Mythological paintings by François Boucher 1732 Paintings by Boucher in the Louvre 1732 French paintings in the Louvre - Room 38 Boucher 1732 1730s paintings by François Boucher 1732 1732 oil on canvas paintings in France Chariots in paintings Doves associated with goddesses of love and fertility Forge of Vulcan Paintings of blacksmiths Military helmets in art Men with swords in art Mythological figures on clouds Oil paintings of people 1732 Paintings of nude sitting men Pearl jewellery in art People with swans in art Quivers in art Rococo paintings of people 1732 Paintings of Venus and Cupid Boucher; 1732 Venus by François Boucher 1732 Venus Vulcan and arms for Aeneas 1732 Watching in art Swans in painting Paintings of nude sitting females in the 18th century
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