Keywords: Breaker-morant-grave.jpg Majoor James Francis Thomas 1861-1946 staan � �agter die graf van die gefusileerde Breaker Morant en Peter Handcock in die kerkhof wat tans deur die Heldeakker omvat word Die graf is naby die amptelike Gemenebes-rusplaas vir gesneuweldes van Brittanje Ierland Australië Kanada Suid-Afrika en Nieu-Seeland Major James Francis Thomas 1861-1946 standing behind the grave of Breaker Morant and Peter Handcock in a civilian section of Pretoria's Church Street cemetery 50m from the official Commonwealth military plot containing the remains of fallen soldiers from Britain Ireland Australia Canada South Africa and New Zealand <ref> Citation O'Loughlin Ed Facelift for 'Breaker' Morant's grave Mail Guardian Johannesburg 3 Jul 1998 http //mg co za/article/1998-07-03-facelift-for-breaker-morants-grave 9 Dec 2011 </ref> reflist Inscription on headstone <center>To the memory of</center> <center>P HANDCOCK</center> <center>and</center> <center>HENRY H MORANT</center> <center>27th Feb 1902</center> <center> He that loseth his life</center> <center>shall find it </center> Inscription on modern footstone <center>In Memoriam</center> <center>HARRY THE BREAKER MORANT<center> <center>and</center> <center>PETER HANDCOCK</center> <center>Executed 100 years ago in Pretoria</center> <center>27th FEB 1902</center> <center> A MAN'S FOES WILL BE THOSE OF</center> <center>HIS OWN HOUSEHOLD </center> <center>ST MATTHEW CHAPTER 10 VERSE 36</center> 1902 http //www diggerhistory info/images/lt-horse-pics/breaker-morant-grave jpg en wikipedia SreeBot Cadursun at en wikipedia other versions 25 44 46 55 S 28 10 27 23 E type landmark_region ZA PD-Australia PD-1923 Original upload log page en wikipedia Breaker-morant-grave jpg Upload date User Bytes Dimensions Comment 2005-11-20 09 35 UTC Cadursun 21964 bytes 386×413 <small><nowiki>http //www diggerhistory info/images/lt-horse-pics/breaker-morant-grave jpg</nowiki></small> Casualties of the Second Boer War Men of Australia Australia in the Second Boer War Historical images of Pretoria Church street cemetery Pretoria |