MAKE A MEME View Large Image Brunnian-3-not-Borromean.svg A three-component link which is a Brunnian link i e cutting any loop frees the other two loops but which is not the same as the Borromean rings For another three-component Brunnian link which is not the same as ...
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Keywords: Brunnian-3-not-Borromean.svg A three-component link which is a Brunnian link i e cutting any loop frees the other two loops but which is not the same as the Borromean rings For another three-component Brunnian link which is not the same as the Borromean rings see Image Three-triang-18crossings-Brunnian png For a visually more decorative and ornate version of this see File Brunnian-link-12crossings-nonBorromean-quasi-Arabesque svg A version of this was found in the ancient roman mosaics at Villa del Casale Piazza Armerina see external link http //www liv ac uk/ 7Espmr02/rings/maths html Own - Converted from the following PostScript vector source code <pre> 306 396 translate 15 setlinewidth /A 30000 sqrt neg 0 100 90 270 arc 30000 sqrt 0 100 270 90 arc closepath gsave B stroke def /B 22 5 setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke grestore def 0 0 1 setrgbcolor A -120 rotate 1 0 0 setrgbcolor A -120 rotate 1 1 0 setrgbcolor A -120 rotate 0 0 1 setrgbcolor gsave 10 100 moveto 80 0 rlineto B 0 100 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke gsave -10 -100 moveto -80 0 rlineto B 0 -100 moveto -100 0 rlineto stroke gsave 30000 sqrt 0 100 290 270 arcn -40 0 rlineto B 30000 sqrt 0 100 300 270 arcn -50 0 rlineto stroke gsave 30000 sqrt neg 0 100 110 90 arcn 40 0 rlineto B 30000 sqrt neg 0 100 120 90 arcn 50 0 rlineto stroke showpage EOF</pre> 2006 AnonMoos first vectorization by Amada44 AnonMoos 3 component links Decorative knots Brunnian links Blue red yellow Color permutation of order 3 6-fold rotational symmetry Chiral images with rotational symmetry 06 Knots and links on transparent background Images with PostScript source code Alternating knots and links
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