Keywords: BuckONeilLegacySeat2009.jpg This is a 2009 Photo of the Buck O'Neil Legacy Seat For 2009 the seat is now padded as it is now called the Diamond Club Seats Section The Seat number and section numbers has changed in 2009 to Section 127 Seat 9 Row C Own Work Taken by myself durring Kuaffman Stadium Open House on April 5 2009 Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Liftarn using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2009-04-07 Original uploader was Sawblade5 at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Sawblade5 Original upload log page en wikipedia BuckONeilLegacySeat2009 jpg 2009-04-07 07 45 Sawblade5 2576�1932� 1412064 bytes <nowiki>This is a 2009 Photo of the Buck O'Neil Legacy Seat For 2009 the seat is now padded as it is now called the Diamond Club Seats Section The Seat number and section numbers has changed in 2009 to Section 127 Seat 9 Row C Own Work Taken by myself d</nowiki> Kauffman Stadium Seat numbers in stadiums Special seats Blue and red Different color one only |