Keywords: Buddha shielded by Naga.jpg I took this photograph at the Asian Arts Museum in San Francisco It is of a Cambodian statue of the Buddha shielded by the Naga Mucalinda The statue is dated between 1150 and 1175 A D own 2007 DoktorMax talk 16 31 20 January 2008 UTC Anyone may use this picture original upload log page en wikipedia Buddha+shielded+by+Naga jpg '1' Upload date User Bytes Dimensions Comment - nowrap 2008-01-20 16 30 26 nowrap DoktorMax nowrap 1639795 nowrap 1754�2338 <small><nowiki> I took this photograph at the Asian Arts Museum in San Francisco It is of a Cambodian statue of the Buddha shielded by the Naga Mucalinda The statue is dated between 1150 and 1175 A D self-made 2007 Locati</nowiki></small> Sculptures of Angkor Statues of the Buddha from Cambodia Mucalinda Nāga in Cambodia Cambodian art in Asian Art Museum of San Francisco |