Keywords: Bulbs and plants (16386640861).jpg FLOWERING BULBS PLANTS ETC <br> 17 <br> \Qg» <br> Ranunculus <br> A garden or greenhouse plant also suitable for <br> house culture It is not quite hardy enough to bear <br> planting in the garden in the fall but <br> as the bulbs can be kept in a dry <br> state until spring they may then be <br> planted and will produce an abund- <br> ance of flowers Give them a rather <br> shady place in the garden <br> Each Doz 100 <br> Double � French <br> Persian or Tur- <br> ban finest <br> mixed 3 20 1 00 <br> Sparaxis <br> A striking variety <br> of cape bulbs <br> producing bril- <br> liant varied col- <br> ored flowers 3 25 1 50 <br> Tuberose <br> Excelsior Pearl <br> �First quality 4 35 2 00 <br> If by mail add 50c per 100 <br> Single 2 <br> Double 3 <br> Elwesi Giant Snowdrop � Extra <br> large and fine 2 <br> Snowdrops <br> The little nodding <br> flowers of this well- <br> known plant are gen- <br> erally the first to ap- <br> pear in spring often <br> rearing their delicate <br> heads above a light <br> covering of snow in <br> early March They <br> are suitable for pot <br> culture but are most <br> effective when plant- <br> ed in clumps on the <br> lawn Plant in Sep- <br> tember or October <br> Any good garden soil <br> will suit them They <br> require no protection <br> being quite hardy <br> Each Doz 100 <br> 15 <br> 35 <br> 75 <br> 2 25 <br> 20 1 00 <br> SCILLA SIBERICA <br> Sciilas <br> If by mail add 15c per 100 extra <br> Siberica � One of the most beautiful early spring <br> blooming bulbs bearing a profusion of remarkably <br> pretty rich blue flowers as soon as the snow has dis- <br> appeared from the ground Grown in masses or with <br> Crocuses and Snowdrops it presents a charming <br> effect It is perfectly hardy and re- <br> mains in bloom a long time It also <br> makes a very showy plant for the <br> conservatory or parlor in winter <br> Each 2c; per doz 15c per 100 <br> 75c <br> Campanulata Wood Hyacinth � <br> Flowers borne on spikes about 2 <br> feet high very graceful and per- <br> fectly hardy <br> Each <br> Blue 3 <br> White 3 <br> Rose 3 <br> Peruviana or Clusi-A very beau- <br> tiful variety bearing large spikes <br> of rich ultramarine blue flowers <br> remaining a long time in bloom <br> 10c each; 1 00 per doz If by <br> mail add 3c each extra Not <br> hardy <br> Doz <br> 100 <br> 25 <br> 1 50 <br> 25 <br> 1 50 <br> 25 <br> 1 50 <br> TURBAN RANUNCULUS <br> Spiraea or Astilbe <br> Ready in November <br> If wanted by mail add 10 cents to <br> cover postage on each root <br> Japonica � An old favorite of the <br> easiest cultivation and perfectly <br> hardy out especially desirable as a <br> pot plant for winter and early spring <br> blooming Its white feathery flow- <br> ers are freely produced and remain a <br> long time in bloom Fine clumps <br> 10c each; 1 00 per dozen <br> Nana Compacta Multiflora � <br> Of more compact growth than the pre- <br> ceding producing its white plume- <br> like flowers in great abundance 15c <br> each; 1 50 per dozen <br> Astilboides f loribunda-Early <br> and compact in habit flowers large <br> and feather ' of the purest white re- <br> maining a long time in bloom This <br> is undoubtedly the best of the <br> Spiraeas 15c each; 1 50 per doz <br> SpiR/fa japonic \ 42214147 133055 65937 Page 17 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42214147 1908 10 5962/bhl title 65937 Currie Brothers Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Astilbe NameConfirmed Astilbe EOLID 11171526 NameBankID 2649623 NameFound Astilboides NameConfirmed Astilboides EOLID 2886988 NameBankID 1812470 NameFound Campanulata NameFound Compacta NameConfirmed Compacta EOLID 10934908 NameBankID 2627020 NameFound Multiflora NameConfirmed Multiflora Small J M MacDougal Feuillet supersect NameBankID 9260529 NameFound Ranunculus NameConfirmed Ranunculus EOLID 37662 NameBankID 2576523 NameFound Scilla siberica NameConfirmed Scilla siberica EOLID 1082428 NameBankID 2669234 NameFound Siberica NameConfirmed Siberica NameBankID 5328274 NameFound Sparaxis NameConfirmed Sparaxis Ker-Gawl EOLID 38091 NameFound Spiraea NameConfirmed Spiraea EOLID 29951 NameBankID 2650385 Biodiversity Heritage Library Currie Bros Co Bulbs and plants autumn 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42214147 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42214147 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16386640861 2015-08-24 07 56 23 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Currie Bros catalogs Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |