Keywords: Bulbs and plants (16388393955).jpg FLOWERING BULBS PLANTS ETC <br> 23 <br> Boltonia <br> FALSE CHAMOMILE <br> A most desirable Aster- like <br> plant of vigorous habit produc- <br> ing a great abundance of very <br> showy flowers <br> B Asteroides � 4 feet Octo- <br> ber White A beautiful plant <br> producing Aster-like flowers in <br> great abundance Each 20c; <br> per doz 2 00 <br> Centaurea <br> A valuable class of border <br> plants of the easiest culture <br> Very useful for supplying cut <br> flowers <br> C Montana � 2 feet May <br> and June This variety is among <br> the best of hardy plants Flow- <br> ers large and handsome color a <br> rich purplish blue Last well <br> when cut Each 20c; per doz <br> 2 00 <br> Dictamnus <br> GAS PLANT <br> Strong growing handsome <br> plants of easy culture the one <br> we name being a most interesting <br> variety <br> D Fraxinella � 3 feet May <br> Foliage showy and fragrant; <br> flowers purplish-red produced <br> in large spikes which are very <br> attractive These in hot sultry <br> weather give off a peculiar and <br> very inflammable gas which ig- <br> nites with a flash when a match <br> is applied Each 25c; per doz <br> 2 50 <br> DELPHINIUM PERENNIAL LARKSPUR <br> Delphinium <br> LARKSPUR <br> 3 feet June A most attractive and useful perennial which should <br> never be denied a place in the garden The long spikes of handsome <br> flowers are very freely produced and are exceedingly useful for cutting <br> Our collection embraces a very choice assortment of the finest Imported <br> varieties all new and rare the colors varying from the most delicate <br> light to the richest deep bluS double and single Each 20c; per doz <br> 2 00 <br> Funkia <br> DAY LILY <br> Very popular plants attractive in <br> lowers and foliage <br> edL F Lanceolata-1'j feet August <br> Blue <br> /f F Ovata � 1 foot August Lilac <br> F Subcordata � 1 Vz feet June <br> u White <br> X F Variegata-1 foot August <br> Lilac <br> Each 20c; per doz 2 00 <br> See cheap collections of <br> Bulbs on inside cover page 42214153 133055 65937 Page 23 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42214153 1908 10 5962/bhl title 65937 Currie Brothers Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Asteroides NameConfirmed Asteroides EOLID 13178032 NameBankID 240260 NameFound Boltonia NameConfirmed Boltonia EOLID 38269 NameBankID 3875151 NameFound Centaurea NameConfirmed Centaurea L EOLID 59386 NameFound Dictamnus NameConfirmed Dictamnus sp cdK74 EOLID 11916559 NameFound Fraxinella NameConfirmed Fraxinella NameBankID 4906128 NameFound Funkia NameConfirmed Funkia EOLID 5427940 NameBankID 3392938 NameFound Lilac NameConfirmed Lilac P Miller 1754 NameFound Subcordata NameConfirmed SUBCORDATA NameBankID 5124075 Biodiversity Heritage Library Currie Bros Co Bulbs and plants autumn 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42214153 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42214153 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16388393955 2015-08-24 07 55 47 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Currie Bros catalogs Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |