Keywords: Bulbs roses plants of all kinds for winter blooming (16394920852).jpg 24 <br> Miss Ella V Baines The Woman Florist Springfield Ohio <br> FIVE GRAND CLIMBING ROSES <br> I here offer five of the grandest of all Climbing Roses each one being distinct in itself em- <br> bracing Crimson Pink White Yellow and intermediate shades Noining liice this offer has <br> ever been made They are all ever-bloomers and will be sure to please you In ordering <br> say Five Grand Climbing Roses/' When you possess these five grand Climbing Roses you <br> have the very best you can get anywhere in the whole world Try them <br> New Climbing Rose CRIMSON RAMBLER <br> The plant is of very vigorous growth making shoots from <br> eight to ten feet during the season rendering it a charming pil- <br> lar Rose It is also magnificent in bush form and for covering <br> buildings trellisses etc it cannot be excelled One of the strik- <br> ing characteristics of this Rose is its remarkable color which is <br> of the brightest crimson which remains undimmed to the end <br> showing none of the objectionable purplish-tint so common in <br> ��crimson Roses The flowers are produced in great pyramidal <br> panicles or trusses each carrying from thirty to forty blooms <br> the individual flowers measuring about one to one and a half <br> inches in diameter and remaining perfect on the plant for up- <br> wards of two weeks with their freshness of color unimpaired <br> The foliage is bright green and glossy and contrasts finely with <br> the bright crimson of the flowers It is said to be exceedingly <br> hardy having successfully withstood the test in exposed situa- <br> tions of two very severe Winters in England It is hardy in <br> every latitude yet tried as far north as the lakes As a decora- <br> tive pot plant it cannot be excelled lean recommend this nov- <br> elty in the strongest manner as being a new Rose of great im- <br> portance and value This Rose received gold medals from the <br> National Rose Society of England and the National Horticul- <br> tural Society of France the International Exposition at Earl's <br> Court as well as numerous first-class certificates A correspond- <br> ent of the London Garden writes in the issue of July 14 1S94 <br> With me at this date July 6 this Rose is grand I have a doz- <br> en large plants on prepared land or turf I did not prune much <br> merely shortening back and placing stakes to support the long <br> growths I gave a liberal mulch early in the Spring with the <br> result that the growths are very strong and the clusters of bright <br> crimson flowers at this date are beautiful On one shoot alone I <br> counted over three hundred blooms There has no Rose ever <br> been introduced up to the present tune that has had as ynuch writ- <br> ten and said about it as this famous Rose and 0/ course everybody <br> will have to have o te or 7nore plants of it I have an immense <br> stock of it in perfect health so that all who purchase of me 'will be <br> pleased Price 20 cents each; three plants for 50 cents Large <br> two-year-old plants 50 cents each or three for 1 25 <br> REINE 0L6A DE WURTEMBURG <br> This is a splendid Rose Should be grown where the Mare- <br> chal Neil succeeds This variety as grown in the South of <br> France is simply indescribable The people of the South would <br> do well to employ this beautiful sort for covering verandas and <br> trellises Color a rosy-pink suffused with yellow and fawn <br> Price 15 cents each Large two-year-old plants 50 cents each <br> Wonderful New Climbing Rose EMPRESS OF CHINA <br> This is a new Climbing Rose of the greatest excellence It <br> was brought to this country by a gentleman from Cuba who <br> says of it that it commences to bloom in May and is loaded with <br> its elegant blooms until December Think of it There is no <br> other Rose like it that will bloom for so long a time This has <br> been the great objection to Climbing Roses that they bloom <br> once and then are done But here I have a Rose that blooms <br> continuously for over seven months of the year It is simply <br> wonderful When it first opens the flowers are a beautiful red <br> but soon turn to a lovely light pink and it blooms so profusely as <br> to almost hide the plant It is perfectly hardy and is a vigorous <br> grower Don't fail to try this- beautiful Rose as it will please <br> you Price 25 cents each; three for 60 cents Large two-year- <br> old plants 60 cents each; two for 1 00 <br> MARECHAL NEIL <br> A beautiful deep sulphur-yel- <br> low very full very large and ex- <br> ceedingly fragrant Itisthefinest <br> yellow Rose in existence It has <br> a climbing habit and where it is <br> allowed to grow until it attains a <br> large size as it will in a few years <br> it yields thousands of beautiful <br> golden-yellow flowers Especial- <br> ly desirable in the South I sell <br> annually fifty thousand of this <br> Rose alone I have a grand stock <br> of this variety Price first size <br> 10 cents each; fine plants 25 cents <br> each; extra strong plants 50 cents <br> each It will pay you to buy a <br> strong plant <br> Note � The Marechal Neil has <br> iveak roots until it gets well estab- <br> lished This is the cause of so much <br> failure with this most desirable <br> Rose I have grafted plants that <br> ��will be sure to live Price one-year- <br> old plants 1 00 two-year-old <br> plants 1 50; three-year-old plants <br> 2 00 These are extra fine plants <br> of this lovely Rose By far the best <br> you have ever seen offered and will <br> be sure to please and delight you I <br> haz'e an excellent stock of over five <br> thousand strong grafted plants of <br> Marechal Neil <br> MARY WASHINGTON <br> This is no doubt the most famous <br> Rose of the century made so by <br> the history with which it is asso- <br> ciated the original Rose bush be- <br> ing planted bv no less a personage <br> than George Washington It is a <br> lovely Rose and usually comes in <br> large clusters of the purest white <br> and very fragrant It will live out <br> anywhere as it is perfectly hardy <br> It is a perpetual bloomer Price 20 <br> cents each; three for 5octs Large <br> two-year-old plants 50 cents each <br> SPECIAL OFFER � The five Climbing Roses costing 90 cents sent for only 65 cents ; three sets <br> for 1 60 The five Roses in large two-year-old plants including a fine one-year grafted plant of the <br> Tvlarechal Neil for only 2 50 41881532 131173 64737 Page 24 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41881532 1897 10 5962/bhl title 64737 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Bulbs roses plants of all kinds for winter blooming all the very best and choicest varieties 1897 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41881532 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41881532 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-29 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16394920852 2015-08-24 06 51 37 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Bulbs roses plants of all kinds for winter blooming Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |