Keywords: Bushmills Distillery July 06.jpg A showcase at Old Bushmills Distillery Bushmills County Antrim Northern Ireland Intended for use on Old Bushmills Distillery whisky Irish whiskey or other Northern Ireland-related or alcohol-related articles Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Liftarn using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text I created this work entirely by myself July 2006<br/> 2008 11 02 original upload date <font color 002bb8 >Glass</font><font color 002bb8 >Cobra</font> Original uploader was GlassCobra at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia GlassCobra Original upload log page en wikipedia Bushmills_Distillery_July_06 jpg 2008-11-02 16 23 GlassCobra 604�453� 61816 bytes <nowiki> A showcase at Old Bushmills Distillery Bushmills County Antrim Northern Ireland Intended for use on Old Bushmills Distillery whisky Irish whiskey or other Northern Ireland-related or alcoh</nowiki> Old Bushmills distillery Snifters z |