Keywords: Butler by Sergei Gribkov 1879.jpg Artwork Creator Sergei Gribkov 1879 oil on canvas Unknown Чувашский госуда� ственный художественный музей ru ru </sup> Чувашский госуда� ственный художественный музей ru Cheboksary en Чебокса� ы ru Russia accession number object history Дво� ецкий ста� ший лакей Дво� ецкий ru Butler de Butler en Maggiordomo it Butler nl <br/> http //www culture21 ru/Page aspx orgid 385 page /54/3986/4400 LangSwitch Information about this painting on the official website of the museum Инфо� мация об этой ка� тине на официальном сайте музея http //paladins thelegacy ru/page php al Dvoretskiy___1879_g__56362_kartina other versions PD-old-100 Sergei Gribkov 1870s paintings from Russia 1870s portraits of Russia male 19th-century portraits of men at full length 19th-century portrait paintings of standing men at full length 19th-century genre paintings 1879 paintings from Russia 1879 oil on canvas paintings 19th-century paintings from Russia Genre paintings Genre paintings from Russia 19th-century genre paintings from Russia Butlers Domestic workers in art Portraits of domestic workers Water sellers in art Men at work in art Men of Russia in art |