Keywords: C. Everett Koop, 1980s.jpg Assessments 1 C Everett Koop C Everett Koop Dr Koop wears his formal uniform and sits in front of the American flag and the flag of the U S Public Health Service Koop was the first U S Surgeon General in a generation to wear the Surgeon General's uniform a uniform akin to that of a rear admiral of the Navy though he is shown here as wearing the rank of vice admiral He thought that wearing the uniform would help to restore morale and a sense of dignity to the Commissioned Corps of the U S Public Health Service which the Surgeon General commands and which had been buffered by personnel cuts and uncertainty about its mission in the late 1970s and early 1980s Dust removed levels adjusted border cropped etc http //profiles nlm nih gov/QQ/B/C/T/C/ http //profiles nlm nih gov/QQ/B/C/T/C/_/qqbctc_ jpg direct link 11 7 MB JPG circa 1982 1989 New restoration by Adam Cuerden from a United States Public Health Service image PD-USGov File C Everett Koop 1980s png - PNG version for editability and losslessness C Everett Koop Adam Cuerden's restorations Men with glasses Men looking at viewer People of the United States in the 1980s Uniforms of the United States Public Health Service |