MAKE A MEME View Large Image Camille Pissarro (French, 1830-1903), Chrysanthemums in a Chinese Vase, 1870.jpg Artwork Creator Camille Pissarro 1873 Oil on canvas Size cm 61 50 Institution National Gallery of Ireland http //www nationalgallery ie/en/Learning/Schools/...
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Keywords: Camille Pissarro (French, 1830-1903), Chrysanthemums in a Chinese Vase, 1870.jpg Artwork Creator Camille Pissarro 1873 Oil on canvas Size cm 61 50 Institution National Gallery of Ireland http //www nationalgallery ie/en/Learning/Schools/Impressionism/Works/Pissarro aspx www nationalgallery ie and http //www wikiart org/en/camille-pissarro/chrysanthemums-in-a-chinese-vase-1873 wikiart org object history exhibition history credit line accession number place of creation http //www wikiart org/en/camille-pissarro/chrysanthemums-in-a-chinese-vase-1873 wikiart org Q21486166 PD-Art-100 Original upload log File was transfered from Ukrainian Wikipedia using UWCTransferBot v 1 3 based on Chris G's http //toolserver org/~chris/highlight php d chris/classes/ f botclasses php botclasses framework uk wikipedia Camille+Pissarro+ 28French 2C+1830-1903 29 2C+Chrysanthemums+in+a+Chinese+Vase 2C+1873 jpg 2013-11-21 17 30 Lorry 465×558×8 139056 bytes <nowiki> Зоб� аження � азва Camille Pissarro French 1830-1903 Chrysanthemums in a Chinese Vase 1873 jpg Опис натю� мо� т з х� ізантемами Авто� Каміль Пісса� � о 1830-1903 Дже� ело http //le </nowiki> Chrysanthemums in a Chinese Vase
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