Keywords: Cao Zhibai - Clearing Snow on Mountain Peaks.jpg National Palace Museum � �立故宮博物院 http //ljg0212 blog 163 com/blog/static/1217237192011101273146477 also see http //www npm gov tw/exhbition/lig9910/1 htm en w en Cao Zhibai 曹知白 Institution National Palace Museum 1271-1355年 PD-Art-100 Shan shui paintings in the National Palace Museum Paintings of mountains Paintings of the Yuan Dynasty Pines in art Karst topography in China Ink and wash paintings in China Landscape paintings of China Scrolls of China Chinese literati paintings Chinese silk Ancient Chinese art Art of China Art in China Artists from China Collections of art in China Art from Asia 13th-century paintings 14th-century paintings PD-old-100 |