MAKE A MEME View Large Image Card puncher - NARA - 513295.jpg Assessments 1 1 Keypunch 1 A woman posed with a Hollerith pantograph the keyboard is for the 1920 population card and a 1940 census form Photograph circa 1940 appears to be staged as it shows a Hollerith ...
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Keywords: Card puncher - NARA - 513295.jpg Assessments 1 1 Keypunch 1 A woman posed with a Hollerith pantograph the keyboard is for the 1920 population card and a 1940 census form Photograph circa 1940 appears to be staged as it shows a Hollerith pantograph with a keyboard for the 1920 population card see Truesdell p 144 - the columns with 4 and 8 entries match this keyboard being used to record data from a 1940 census form Жена използва пантог� аф тип Холе� ит за да табули� а п� еб� ояването на населението в САЩ ок 1940 година Junge Frau beim Codieren der Censusdaten der Vereinigten Staaten mit einem Hollerith Pantographen Una empleada tabula un censo c 1940 en un pantógrafo Hollerith Une femme compile le recensement des États-Unis à l'aide d'un pantographe Hollerith Жінка об� обляє � езультати Пе� епису населення США п� иблизно 1940 � ік Scope and content General notes 513295 Local identifier 29-CM-C 9 Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Public Information Office 1940 - 04/1983 Still Picture Records Section Special Media Archives Services Division NWCS-S National Archives at College Park 8601 Adelphi Road College Park MD 20740-6001 1920 - 1950 From details of cards and fashion c 1940 seems most likely aprox date; see talk page Record group Record Group 29 Records of the Bureau of the Census 1790 - 2007 Record group ARC 358 Census Machines compiled 1890 - 1950 Series ARC 513294 File unit File unit ARC Variant control numbers NAIL Control Number NWDNS-29-CM-C 9 Other versions <gallery> File This is a card puncher an integral part of the tabulation system used by the United States Census Bureau to compile - NARA - 513295 tif tif File This is a card puncher an integral part of the tabulation system used by the United States Census Bureau to compile - NARA - 513295 jpg jpg not restored File Card puncher - NARA - 513295 jpg jpg restored </gallery> Cropped color corrections restoration Picture of the day 2012 5 12 NARA-cooperation PD-USGov Hollerith census machine Women at work in the United States Data entry workers Featured pictures of Maryland Featured pictures by Yann Forget People using computers before 1940 Black and white photographs of females facing right Profile views of females Females in rooms People and desks People and chairs 1940s photographs Featured pictures from the National Archives and Records Administration Featured pictures of people of the United States
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