MAKE A MEME View Large Image Caricature gillray plumpudding.jpg The Plumb-pudding in danger or State epicures taking un petit souper <br> Js Gillray inv fecit <br> SUMMARY William Pitt wearing a regimental uniform and hat sitting at a table with Napoleon They are each ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Caricature gillray plumpudding.jpg The Plumb-pudding in danger or State epicures taking un petit souper <br> Js Gillray inv fecit <br> SUMMARY William Pitt wearing a regimental uniform and hat sitting at a table with Napoleon They are each carving a large plum pudding on which is a map of the world Pitt's slice is considerably larger than Napoleon's <br> MEDIUM 1 print etching hand-colored <br> CREATED/PUBLISHED London H Humphrey 1805 Feby 26 <br> According to Wright Evans Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray 1851 OCLC 59510372 p 240 The new Emperor and his opponent the English Minister helping themselves �one taking the land the other the sea On the overtures made by the new Emperor for a reconciliation with England in the January of 1805 Le Pudding en danger ou des états épicuriens prenant un petit souper en français dans le texte <br> William Pitt portant un uniforme et un chapeau militaires est assis à une table avec Napoléon Les deux personnages se partagent un grand pudding aux fruits secs portant un carte du monde La part de Pitt est bien plus grande que celle de Napoléon <br> Gravure coloriée à la main <br> Créé et publié à Londres par H Humphrey les 26 février 1805 <br> Le nouvel empereur et son opposant le premier ministre anglais se partagent le monde Napoléon la terre William Pitt la mer La caricature commente les propositions de réconciliation fait par Napoléon à l'Angleterre en janvier 1805 «Пудинг в опасности» П� емье� -минист� Питт Англия и � аполеон Ф� анция делят ми� Английская ка� икату� а в� емён п� ебывания � ессель� оде на посту минист� а иност� анных дел Г� аф Ка� л Васильевич � ессель� оде 1780 �1862 с лёгкой � уки � иколая Семёновича Лескова стал известен под п� озвищем Кисельв� оде cph 3g08791 1805-02-26 creator James Gillray No known restriction on publication Assessments c 2010 1 1 1 1 The Plumb-pudding in danger picture of the day 2011 02 25 PD-old-100 James Gillray Caricatures of William Pitt the Younger Caricatures of Napoleon I of France Caricatures of imperialism 1805 cartoons 1800s political cartoons Bicorne hats in art Queues hair fashion Featured pictures from the Library of Congress Ball-shaped puddings Globe-shaped food Food in art Cutting of food People with knives People sitting at tables in art Eating forks
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