Keywords: Catherine I of Russia by Nattier.jpg Artwork creator Jean-Marc Nattier oil canvas cm 142 5 110 Museum Hermitage Museum object history credit line ProvenanceEvent 1947 transfer State Hermitage Museum Saint Petersburg State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow LangSwitch This portrait is a pendant to inv Res- Mü G 268 Portrait of Tsar Peter I 1717 Ce portrait est un pendant du inv Res- Mü G 268 « Portrait du tsar Pierre I er » 1717 Данный по� т� ет является па� ным к инв Res- Mü G 268 «По� т� ет ца� я Пет� а I» 1717 г fr accession number Ж-1857 http //www barmin-ekb ru/ page katalog id 100065 other versions <gallery> File Catherine I of Russia by Charles Boit c 1717 Royal coll jpg File Jean-Marc Nattier Pierre Ier 1717 jpg Res- Mü G 268 </gallery> PD-old-100 ImageNote 1 633 978 101 111 1128 1476 2 Order of St Catherine ImageNoteEnd 1 DEFAULTSORT Catherine I 1717 Catherine I by Jean-Marc Nattier Romanov Gallery Catherine I's of Russia crown Ermine clothing in art Fur fashion in 1717 |