Keywords: Catherine II by Borovikovskiy after Eriksen (1779, Krasnodar).jpg Artwork Creator Vladimir Borovikovsky after По� т� ет Екате� ины II � усской импе� ат� ицы 1779 oil canvas cm 227 156 LangSwitch Kovalenko Museum Kovalenko Museum К� аснода� ский к� аевой художественный музей им Ф А Коваленко http //artpoisk info/artist/borovikovskiy_vladimir_lukich_1757/gallery/page/2/ PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Borovikovsky/Eriksen Catherine II Catherine II by Borovikovsky Coronation of Catherine II of Russia Catherine II by Eriksen 18th-century oil portraits of standing women at full length Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Female portrait paintings with ermine clothing |