MAKE A MEME View Large Image Catherine II in Russian dress after V.Eriksen (priv.coll.).jpg Э иксен Ви гилиус масте ская По т ет импе ат ицы Екате ины II в кокошнике О игинал данного по ...
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Keywords: Catherine II in Russian dress after V.Eriksen (priv.coll.).jpg Э� иксен Ви� гилиус масте� ская По� т� ет импе� ат� ицы Екате� ины II в кокошнике О� игинал данного по� т� ета был создан известным датским по� т� етистом В Э� иксеном около 1767 года и в 1768 году пода� ен английскому в� ачу Томасу Димсдейлу п� ививавшему оспу самой импе� ат� ице и наследнику After Virgilius Eriksen Portrait of Catherine II Empress of Russia Catherine the Great wearing a traditional Kokoshnik and fur-trimmed bolero an embroidered dress and an elaborate pearl necklace Head and shoulders Oil on canvas 62 x 47cm; 24½ x 18½in Eriksen was appointed court painter to Catherine II and he painted several portraits of her The pastel original of this portrait no longer survives but several copies are known to exist mainly executed in the late 18th and early 19th Century One copy was given by Catherine in 1769 to Dr Thomas Dimsdale the English Doctor who discovered inoculation against small pox He travelled to Russia to inoculate the Empress and her grand children and this picture was later engraved in mezzotint by William Dickinson and published on June 20th 1773 in London Lined evidence of old damage in several places particularly upper right and lower left retouching in the affected areas http //www woolleyandwallis co uk/Lot/ sale PW121212-2 lot 454 id 236723 Конец 1760-х годов Э� иксен Ви� гилиус масте� ская PD-old-100 Catherine II in Russian dress 1 Catherine II by Eriksen Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Fur garments in art Private collections of Russian art PD-old
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