Keywords: Catherine II the Legislatress by D. Levitskiy (1780s, Tretyakov gallery).jpg Artwork Creator Dmitry Levitzky По� т� ет Екате� ины II в виде законодательницы в х� аме богини П� авосудия � ачало 1780-х ЛЕВИЦКИЙ Дмит� ий Г� иго� ьевич Холст масло 110x77 см Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква early Other date s 1780 Oil on canvas cm 110 76 80 Institution Tretyakov Gallery 5 Uploaded from russian painters gallery at http //lj rossia org/users/john_petrov/409527 html http //www belygorod ru/img2/RusskieKartinki/Used/082izkiy_ekaterina_2 jpg PD-old-100 Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple Devoted to the Godess of Justice Levitsky Tretyakov Portraits by Levitzky in the Tretyakov Gallery 18th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery Romanovs |