Keywords: Catherine Orlova 01.jpg Рокотов Федо� Степанович По� т� ет княгини Е � О� ловой Около 1779 ГТГ Холст масло 72 5 х 56 овал Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква Portrait of female Catherine Orlova 1758-1781 c 1779 oil on canvas cm 72 5 56 Institution Tretyakov Gallery http //artclassic edu ru/catalog asp ob_no 2015501 PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1779c; Catherine Orlova Female portraits by Fedor Rokotov Paintings by Rokotov in the Tretyakov Gallery Catherine Orlova Zinovieva 1770s oil on canvas paintings in Russia Portrait 1770s portrait paintings of Russia female 1779 portrait paintings 18th-century oil oval portraits of women at bust length Big hair Female hair fashion in art Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Lace sleeves in art Sash of the Order of St Catherine in portrait paintings Signs of Russian Empresses E2 Signs of Russian Empresses diamond portrait ImageNote 1 333 538 39 61 554 700 2 Empress' portrait ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 341 591 32 64 554 700 2 EII - cypher ImageNoteEnd 2 |