Keywords: Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon - Still Life with Attributes of the Arts - 1766.jpg Artwork Q6038776 creator Jean Siméon Chardin 1766 Oil on canvas size cm 112 140 5 Institution Hermitage The Winter Palace 287 object history langswitch Entered the Hermitage in 1926; transferred from KUZD Поступил в 1926 г Пе� едан из КУЖД credit line accession number ГЭ-5627 2 langswitch https //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/37881/ Э� митаж https //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/37881/ lng en Hermitage <br>1 WGA link 4782 http //www wga hu/art/c/chardin/2/12attric jpg http //www wga hu/html/c/chardin/2/12attric html <gallery>Jean Siméon Chardin - The Attributes of Art - WGA04781 jpg Minneapolis Institute of Arts </gallery> painting still-life French 1701-1750 PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Chardin Still Life with Attributes of the Arts Ermitage Still Life with Attributes of the Arts Chardin Hermitage French paintings in the Hermitage Neoclassical paintings in the Hermitage Rococo paintings in the Hermitage 18th-century oil on canvas paintings in Russia 18th-century still life paintings in Russia 1760s paintings in Russia Uploads by Mattes from external sources WGA form painting WGA type still-life WGA School French WGA time period 1701-1750 ImageNote 1 1667 467 657 1369 3500 2776 2 Mercury 300px ImageNoteEnd 1 |