MAKE A MEME View Large Image Charity of St Nicholas by G.Macchietti (1555-60, Nat.Gall.).jpg The Charity of St Nicholas of Bari about 1555-60 Girolamo Macchietti National Gallery The story depicted in the panel is that of the 4th-century saint Nicholas of Myra Under ...
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Keywords: Charity of St Nicholas by G.Macchietti (1555-60, Nat.Gall.).jpg The Charity of St Nicholas of Bari about 1555-60 Girolamo Macchietti National Gallery The story depicted in the panel is that of the 4th-century saint Nicholas of Myra Under cover of darkness Saint Nicholas throws three golden balls through the window of the house of an impoverished nobleman Golden balls were often used by artists to represent the purses of the gold mentioned in the saint �s legend According to the legend the nobleman had been faced with the prospect of selling his girls into prostitution The saint �s act of charity saved them from this fate providing dowries for the three daughters who were duly married The story gradually evolved into the Christmas tradition of Santa Claus The shape and sturdy structure of the panel suggest that the picture may have been a 'spalliera' a decorative painting set into a piece of furniture or incorporated into the panelled walls of a camera a room that functioned as a bed-chamber and reception room The subject matter is well suited to such a purpose since the picture both depicts a bedchamber rather better furnished than the nobleman's straitened circumstances might suggest and evokes the theme of sleep in an inventive variety of poses https //www nationalgallery org uk/paintings/girolamo-macchietti-the-charity-of-st-nicholas-of-bari about 1555-60 Girolamo Macchietti Girolamo Macchietti Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Saint Nicholas Throwing the Gold Bars to Three Poor Girls 16th-century paintings of Saint Nicholas PD-old
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