Keywords: Charon's Boat.jpg Assessments 1 Ministry of all the Talents 1 Charon's Boat - or - the Ghosts of all the Talents taking their last voyage - from the Pope's Gallery at Rome / Js Gillray fec A group of naked British Whig politicians including three Grenvilles Sheridan St Vincent Moira Temple Erskine Howick Petty Whitbread Sheridan Windham and Tomline Bishop of Lincoln crossing the river Styx in a boat named the Broad Bottom Packet Sidmouth's head emerges from the water next to the boat The boat's torn sail has inscription Catholic Emancipation and the center mast is crowned with the Prince of Wales feathers and motto Ich Dien On the far side the shades of Cromwell Charles Fox and Robespierre wave to them Overhead on brooms are the Three Fates; to the left a three-headed dog Above the boat three birds soil the boat and politicians 1 print etching hand-colored CREATED/PUBLISHED London H Humphrey 1807 July 16th According to Wright Evans Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray 1851 OCLC 59510372 pp 305 �307 The Broad-Bottom Packet is conveying the late Cabinet and some of its supporters across the river Styx Charon is personated by Lord Howick who is rowing �the Whig Club is his oar He exclaims Better to Reign in Hell than Serve in Heaven Earl St Vincent is steersman he calls out Avast Trim the Boat or these damn'd Broad-Bottom Lubbers will overset us all Lord Henry Petty is playing on a lyre he has his foot on the dance Go to the devil and shake yourselves Lord Erskine is exhibiting the effects of the Catholic Emetic Whitbread holds Wesley's Hymns in one hand and a Pot of Whitbread's Entire in the other Lord Moira's eyes are raised to heaven he is kissing a crucifix held in his right hand his left grasps the mast which is surmounted by the features of his partron the Prince of Wales under them is Fitz �Ich Dien Windham holds in his hand a Scheme for drilling Imps in Hell The Bishop of Lincoln has Unction on his mitre; he holds in his clasped hands Pitt Endowments and Whig Endowments intimating that he obtained as much as he possibly could from both the Pitt and Whig Administrations Lord Lauderdale is in agonies but exclaims Vive Brissot Sheridan is suffering from the same effects as Lord Erskine The Marquis of Buckingham holds a cup in his hand and endeavours to cheer up Lord Grenville Courage Brother take Extreme Unction and don't despair The Broad-Bottom Ballast from Stowe with a crucifix on it is the only discernible part of Lord Grenville Lord Temple has dropped overboard Pay Office Stationery and a List of Places Pensions and Sinecures Lord Sidmouth has fallen overboard into the Styx The floating Wig-Box inscribed Lord Double-Bottom his Wig-Box King's Bench has evidently belonged to Lord Ellenborough The Morning Chronicle and Oracle are floating in the water and a flag flying on the packet is inscribed Templa quam dilecta the family motto of the Grenville family Catholic Emancipation is on the sail On the right hand top of this print Cobbett transformed into a bird is blowing letters from his Political Register into the packet The Morning Post bird is conveying Protestant Letters into it A monster bird compounded of Burdett and Horne Tooke is emitting Damnable truths among the crew On the left of the print at the top are three witches riding in the air on their brooms they represent the three fatal sisters or Parcæ Canning as Lachesis holds the thread of the late Administration and Castlereaugh as Atropos has cut it asunder Lord Hawkesbury as Clotho footnote Clotho colum retinet Lachesis net et Atropos occat holds the distaff because he has spun the thread of the new Administration On the opposite side of the Styx are seen departed spirits Fox is placed between Cromwell and Robespierre Fox holds up a branch and cries out Welcome to Charley Robespierre holds his decapitated head in his hand and welcomes the boat's crew Colonel Despard and Quigley are recognised by the halters round their necks they welcome the new arrival Cerberus is barking at the Packet's Crew Library of Congress Prints Photographs Division LC-DIG-ppmsca-05431 digital file from original print http //memory loc gov/master/pnp/ppmsca/05400/05431u tif uncompressed archival TIFF version 46 MB level color pick white point cropped and converted to JPEG quality level 88 with the GIMP 2 4 5 1807-07-16 creator James Gillray No known restriction on publication LOC-image ppmsca 05431 PD-old-100 James Gillray Caricatures of the United Kingdom Caricatures of politicians Charon Styx Drawings of ghosts Drawings of boats 1807 cartoons Cerberus mythology Oliver Cromwell Hand-kissing in art Witches People with boats in art Moirae |