Keywords: Circumcision of Christ (19th c., priv.coll).jpg Икона «Об� езание Господне Святой Ангел Х� анитель Святые Василий Великий Ца� ица Александ� а п� еподобная � ат� она мученица Васса» де� ево левкас темпе� а XIX век � азме� 35 × 31 см http //www akcia-antique ru/openwindow php id 29922 19th c 19 <gallery>File Circumcision of Christ 19th c priv coll before rest jpg File Circumcision of Christ 19th c priv coll jpg</gallery> Icons of the circumcision of Christ Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Private collections of Russian art Icons with saints on the margins Alexandra of Rome Icons of Basil of Caesarea Icon restoration Ermine clothing in art PD-old |