Keywords: Clutch bag.jpg of the concept in this drawing is Bags without handle or strap but usually with a clasp of a size that is suitable to be carried in the hand; made of various fabrics or leathers AAT exhibition history Institution ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen Ink on paper object history object type Cc-zero This drawing is labelled CC0 You are not obliged to but we do appreciate it when you mention the artist Europeana Fashion and link back to the original file on Wikimedia Commons For more information please contact communication europeanafashion eu place of creation Drawing made by David Ring commissioned by Europeana Fashion scanned by team of MoMu � Fashion Museum Province of Antwerp clutch bag Uploaded with GWToolset clutch bag http //openfashion momu be/cc/imageproxy aspx server localhost port 5986 filename image/GWToolset/thesaurusID_10137_clutchbag jpg Europeana_Fashion_-_MoMu_-_thesaurus_drawings |