Keywords: Coat of Arms of Moscovia.png Coat of Arms of Moscovia on Carta Marina <br/> Ге� б � осковії на «Carta Marina» 1539 File 1539-Samogethia-and-Lituania jpg Olaus Magnus PD-old-100 Original upload log File was transfered from Ukrainian Wikipedia using UWCTransferBot v 1 3 based on Chris G's http //toolserver org/~chris/highlight php d chris/classes/ f botclasses php botclasses framework uk wikipedia Coat+of+Arms+of+Moscovia png 2013-09-21 15 12 Bulka UA 110×125×8 22934 bytes <nowiki> Зоб� аження � азва Опис Coat of Arms of Moscovia on Carta Marina <br/> Ге� б � осковії на «Carta Marina» Авто� Olaus Magnus Дже� ело https //commons wikimedia org/wiki/File 1539-Samogethia-and-Lituani </nowiki> Carta marina Muscovy Historical coats of arms of Russia Ivan IV of Russia |