Keywords: Coat of Arms of Turkmenistan 2000-2003.svg coat of arms of Turkmenistan This version was in use from 1992-2003 <br>Proportions and colors are in accordance with the Law On State Emblem of Turkmenistan on November 27 2000 О внесении изменений в Закон Ту� кменистана О Госуда� ственном ге� бе Ту� кменистана от 27 нояб� я 2000 года - П� иложения ��1 и 2 к Положению о Госуда� ственном ге� бе Ту� кменистана http //www heraldicum ru/turkmen/texts/2000_gerb doc Own Inductiveload 2009-02-02 PD-TK-exempt coats of arms Historical coats of arms of Turkmenistan Horses statant Wheat garbs in supporters 1 crescent argent in heraldry Akhal-Tekes in art Bayards in heraldry |