Keywords: Constantine Nikolaievich of Russia by anonymous after Kruger (1850s, GIM).png ru По� т� ет великого князя Константина � иколаевича Кость аква� ель гуашь 12 8 х 10 0 овал � в Госуда� ственный исто� ический музей en Portrait of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich Bone watercolor and gouache 12 8 x 10 0 oval � State Historical Museum https //www facebook com/historyRF/photos/pb 126013167434606 -2207520000 1393318712 /679103462125571/ s 1850 ru � еизвестный художник с о� игинала Ф К� юге� а около 1850 года en Unknown artist from the original F Kruger around 1850 Constantine Nikolaievich of Russia by anonymous after Kruger 1850s GIM jpg PD-old-100 Romanovs Portrait of dynasty 2013 exhibition GIM Constantine Nikolaievich of Russia in portraits 1849 Portrait miniatures after paintings 1849 Russian hussars uniform Romanovs 1849 19th-century portraits in the Moscow State Historical Museum Romanovs Portrait miniatures in the Moscow State Historical Museum |