Keywords: Corps humain mâle nu devant (annoté fr).png en Naked human male body seen in frontal or anterior view standing in w anatomic position adapted from Image Naked human male body front anterior png The modeling and release to the public domain was made by Mikael Häggström 22 years old at caption for the sake of free knowledge to all humankind It is appreciated if it's not used for purposes too remote from it's original scientific one Please link back to this image for reference if you make a derivative work in Wikipedia e g in the source -section fr Homme nu vu de face Image adaptée de Image Naked human male body front anterior png L'image a été laissée au domaine publique par Mikael Häggström 22 ans lors de la prise d'image pour la cause des connaissances libres gratuites et accessibles Il serait apprécié que l'image ne soit pas utilisée à d'autres fins que celles scientifiques SVP faire un rétrolien sur cette page si vous utilisez cette image Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior_ annotated-en png Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior png 2009-01-07 06 06 UTC derivative work <font face Kristen ITC ><font color 000000 >Félix</font><font color 259952 >g</font><font color 000000 >genest</font></font> Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior_ annotated-en png Mikael Häggström 2008-08-24 Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior png Mikael Häggström 2008-08-24 Annotations en FR Felixggenest Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior png original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior_ annotated-en png licensed with PD-user 2008-11-08T20 10 53Z Mattbuck 1212x2222 1776596 Bytes <nowiki> Summary Mattbuck 975x2222 1656714 Bytes <nowiki> Summary en Naked human male body seen in frontal or anterior view standing in w anatomic position The modeling and release to the public domain was made by Mikael Häggström 2</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Diagrams of the adult male human body by Mikael Häggström Nude men in anatomical position |